Want to hatch along? My first incubation :0) Lockdown tomorrow 9-3-11

I have been told they are ok in bator for 3 days after they hatch, if you do need to take chicks out do it very quick but try and avoid it if any other eggs have piped as there is a good chance you will shrinkwrap them.

With the humidity and adding water- if it drops too low i plan to add just a small amount of water in the hope that humidity does not rise too high. Mine are in a brinsea mini and it seems to be keeping humidity well and has only needed topping up every 3 days or so.

If it gets too high you can just pull it out, or pull part of it out. Not having any experience with a successful hatch, all I can tell you is what I have read about the chicks which is not to be in a hurry since they can survive three days without food or water. My plan is to leave them in there no longer than 2 days though, and do a quick snatch if I have to. Hoping the eggs hatch by that time. Hoping they hatch at all!
We put fertilised eggs under our broody hen on the 15th August - is that about the same time everyone else started?

I've used a Brinsea incubator and managed to successfully hatch 9 chicks this year - but many, many failures as well - so we're really excited to see what will happen with our broody hen. We started some in the incubator on the 15th as well, then candled all the eggs and took out those that hadn't developed. Luckily, six had got going under the incubator, and six had not under the hen, so one week in we could pack the incubator away.

She broke one egg a couple of days ago, and this morning, while she was out I candled them again and took out three more that had failed. So - just ten left now. But she's a first time mother and ex-battery hen - so we're not sure if she'll manage.

They are all blue shelled eggs - Lavender Araucana and Cotswold Legbars I think.

When do you think they'll start pipping?
I go into lockdown tomorrow and will join you guys. Be careful with the humidity because once the chicks start to hatch your humidity will rise all on it's own due to the wet chicks, so don't bump it up to high.
I will be hatching until Wed. this week! I kinda did a staggered hatch. All of the eggs are in lockdown and I just got my fist pip! So excited! I have Marans, Olive Egger, Lavender Orpingtons, Silkies, blue wheaten Ameraucana, Swedish Flower Hens and a Barn Yard Mix. 30 egg total... I would love to hatch along with you. There is another thread that is hatching yesterday and today too.
My first incubation is officially in lockdown!!!!!!

Got one question.
I guess I am a clutz and these little eggs have dropped out of my fingers a couple times when trying to turn them.
None of them have broke do you think this would have killed them???? I hope not.

Well chime in if you like. I don't think you have to have eggs in the bator to have fun.
Maybe we will still on here posting pics when you start yours.

OHHHH, so even if there are chicks in there I should keep it closed. So all that moisture in there is not bad for the babies that have hatched??? So I don't give them food and water immediately. REALLY glad you posted this I would be shrink wrapping babies.


I put mine in on the 16th. I am for sure not an eggspert
but, I think maybe within the next three days. Be patient though I have heard that same may hatch even up to a few days late.


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