I was thinking those were your bees, but same principle.

I'd soak a clean sponge in sugar water and lay it on a plate or something similar, then sit it somewhere chickens can't get to it so the bees can get it from the sponge but not drown. Check it every few days so it's not dry or getting fermented. Then just rinse it out and start over.
Thank you for the replies.☺️ Would the bees go for that instead of the feed, or both the feed and the sugar water.
Thank you for the replies.☺️ Would the bees go for that instead of the feed, or both the feed and the sugar water.
Most definitely just the sugar water. They're hungry so the feed apparently was all they could find.

Do the sugar water until you see things blooming, then pull it as your sugar water is an easy source and they need to learn to go find their own.
Most definitely just the sugar water. They're hungry so the feed apparently was all they could find.

Do the sugar water until you see things blooming, then pull it as your sugar water is an easy source and they need to learn to go find their own.
Sounds like a plan, thank you Debbie!
You may find that putting out sugar water you'll just attract more bees. Some will drown. You could put out a large flat pan with corn meal dumped on top and they may go to that. The problem is when they learn a food location it's hard to get them to stop until natural pollen is available. Once pollen is available, they will stop going to the chicken feed and you'll miss them! :D

Try and put the corn meal in the flight path to the chicken feed.
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Not knowing your location but I'll say that my hives are 20-25 yds from the chicken area and have never really seen bees on the feed. You can do the sugar syrup (1:1). Then you will have bees on your feed and sugar syrup. Maple pollen will be here soon which along with their honey triggers brood rearing. Thinking maybe they are gathering feed dust as a pollen substitute. If that's the case you're stuck with them until natural pollen becomes available.
You may find that putting out sugar water you'll just attract more bees. Some will drown. You could put out a large flat pan with corn meal dumped on top and they may go to that. The problem is when they learn a food location it's hard to get them to stop until natural pollen is available. Once pollen is available, they will stop going to the chicken feed and you'll miss them! :D

Try and put the corn meal in the flight path to the chicken feed.
Not knowing your location but I'll say that my hives are 20-25 yds from the chicken area and have never really seen bees on the feed. You can do the sugar syrup (1:1). Then you will have bees on your feed and sugar syrup. Maple pollen will be here soon which along with their honey triggers brood rearing. Thinking maybe they are gathering feed dust as a pollen substitute. If that's the case you're stuck with them until natural pollen becomes available.
Got it!

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