
In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2020
Hi everyone,

I wanted to post in this forum because it's become my bible as during isolation from COVID-19 I decided to hatch my own Welsh Harlequin eggs, and previously knew nothing about raising or hatching ducks. (I was always planning on getting ducks, isolation just seemed like the perfect time to do it.. no it was not a pandemic panic purchase haha)

So my ducks are now 6 1/2 weeks old, and I am trying to work out the age old question... are they male or female?

From the get go I had guessed that one was male and the other female. Looking at their baby duckling photos you can clearly see that one has a dark grey bill, and the other has a yellow bill with a very dark tip. This would most often mean 1 male, 1 female. Easy done!


- Ductape and Zammie immediatley after hatching - again, you can see Ductape's beak is very pink with a dark tip.
This would make me guess she is female. Zammie's is a darker grey so I guessed he was a boy.


- Zammie and Ductape a day after hatching

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- The ducks at about 3 weeks old - you can see they've kept the colours on their beaks... with Zammie's being grey and Ductape's yellow.

At about 3 weeks the female one started to quack, and I was SO sure I'd gotten it right... but in the last two weeks she's stopped quacking and has gone back to almost a musical whistle.


- Ductape (left of this picture) and Zammie (right) at 6 1/2 weeks (taken this morning)... you can now see they are getting dark heads.
Some Welsh Harlequin breeder's have assured me this can be normal for both males and females at this age, however it makes me think they MUST both be males.

As they start to molt they are looking and sounding more and more similar to each other... and their dark heads are leading me to think perhaps they are male instead.

Has anyone got any guesses?
I wanted to post this here to get other people's thoughts and opinions, but also to track what gender they actually wind up being. I'll make another post or add to this one in a few weeks once I 100% know for sure. That way if someone else is trying to find the same info it will be here for them :)


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I thought in welsh harliquin ducks that the colors on the bill changed so the females are hatched with yellow bills with a black bean and the males with all dark bills and then they gradually switched so the males end up with yellow bills and the females end up with black bills. :confused:
Musical whistle at this this point is not a good sign. Tho the bill colors suggest one of each gender, the musical whistles indicate you might have 2 drakes there. I can hear (faintly) the deeper 'quack' noise you mentioned but that doesn't sound like a quack to me.

I thought in welsh harliquin ducks that the colors on the bill changed so the females are hatched with yellow bills with a black bean and the males with all dark bills and then they gradually switched so the males end up with yellow bills and the females end up with black bills.

That's the case with my female welsh-harlequin-colored (I don't remember the color name on runners) runner too.
Musical whistle at this this point is not a good sign. Tho the bill colors suggest one of each gender, the musical whistles indicate you might have 2 drakes there. I can hear (faintly) the deeper 'quack' noise you mentioned but that doesn't sound like a quack to me.

That's the case with my female welsh-harlequin-colored (I don't remember the color name on runners) runner too.

I am starting to think two males as well. The dark heads and lack of an obvious 'quack' isn't good. I've still got two weeks for them to change their tune so we will see.... It would be awesome if just one could be female. I really don't know what to do with two males.
Wow, interesting! I'd definitely guess at hatch that you had one of each. But the head coloring coming in is quite strong as well. I'll be following along to hear how this turns out!

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