Hi! I'm 26 and started my chicken journey when I was 21. My first chickens were La Fleche and Delaware Blues. I no longer have either breed as I've grown to enjoy Oriental and ornamental game birds more.
I currently have 3 roosters, 5 cockerels, 8 hens, 5 pullets of (near perfect SOP) Indio Gigantes. (not from Greenfire Farms...) My biggest rooster measuring in at 44", and my favorite last years grow out who is now 8 months old is already nearly 40" (I last measured him in November at 36"/6 months old). *Picture of him included
I have three pairs of exhibition Birchen modern game, as well as thee pairs Birchen old English game that I plan to breed this year.
I am also currently incubating and hatching out my first KO and O Shamo, and Pakistan Aseels.
Later this year I will be getting large fowl modern game which I am extremely excited for!
I am really hoping to hatch out some Parrot beak aseels from my Pakistan grow outs as they have some parrot beak gene-leakage in them. Parrot beaks are my absolute favorite but I have never had luck finding them in the states.
I am also a reptile keeper, I mainly keep large constrictors like anacondas and reticulated pythons. I work full time as a security dispatcher at a casino, though I would definitely like to become NPIP certified and breed and sell Oriental and ornamental game birds as a living. Maybe one day!
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this mess
I currently have 3 roosters, 5 cockerels, 8 hens, 5 pullets of (near perfect SOP) Indio Gigantes. (not from Greenfire Farms...) My biggest rooster measuring in at 44", and my favorite last years grow out who is now 8 months old is already nearly 40" (I last measured him in November at 36"/6 months old). *Picture of him included

I have three pairs of exhibition Birchen modern game, as well as thee pairs Birchen old English game that I plan to breed this year.
I am also currently incubating and hatching out my first KO and O Shamo, and Pakistan Aseels.
Later this year I will be getting large fowl modern game which I am extremely excited for!
I am really hoping to hatch out some Parrot beak aseels from my Pakistan grow outs as they have some parrot beak gene-leakage in them. Parrot beaks are my absolute favorite but I have never had luck finding them in the states.
I am also a reptile keeper, I mainly keep large constrictors like anacondas and reticulated pythons. I work full time as a security dispatcher at a casino, though I would definitely like to become NPIP certified and breed and sell Oriental and ornamental game birds as a living. Maybe one day!
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this mess