What are some of your favorite DIY garden projects? Raised beds, rain barrels, trellises...


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
Hi there.
I plan to expand my garden this year. My sons are on vacation this week, and it is time to make some raised beds.
I want them to be attractive(ish) and easy for myself & my 12 year old to build.
Affordable would be nice, too.

I have some ideas, but then I thought - all those creative BYCers must have some GREAT stuff in their gardens.
So, let's see 'em - raised beds, fences, trellises, neat tomato cages ...
Drop some DIY garden ideas on me. Pictures would be fabulous, but I can find inspiration in a few sentences, too.

Thanks in advance!
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I have raised beds made from landscape timbers and 2x10's cut down. They work really well for me even if they are on the short side of things. I have a couple of others made from Cinderblocks that are a bit taller. I found this pic and thought it was awesome for tomato cages. I am using left over lightweight field fence as a trellis for my gourds and flowering vines. (it divides my backyard from my septic field so I know where NOT to plant edibles). I also have some towers that my husband welded for me over 10 years ago, I just keep taking them with me when I move. They are at least 8 feet tall after I put them in the ground, and are great for holding up more vining flowers. My rangoon creeper looked awesome on it. When I moved, I dug it up and transplanted it. It seems to like its new home.

20 years or so ago we used a hole saw to cut holes in plastic barrels. We planted our strawberries in that. That worked good. Over time you lose a lot of soil out of those holes. We still have and use those barrels.

2 years ago we caught up with the times and made us 2 more. A little more work involved. Better design than a round hole for dirt to fall out of.
20 years or so ago we used a hole saw to cut holes in plastic barrels. We planted our strawberries in that. That worked good. Over time you lose a lot of soil out of those holes. We still have and use those barrels.
2 years ago we caught up with the times and made us 2 more. A little more work involved. Better design than a round hole for dirt to fall out of.

This is such a great idea! I was going to grow strawberries next year and this would be an awesome way for them to not take up a ton of space!

Also, I am working on making raised beds. I framed them out with 1x8 boards and it seems to be working really well so far.
20 years or so ago we used a hole saw to cut holes in plastic barrels. We planted our strawberries in that. That worked good. Over time you lose a lot of soil out of those holes. We still have and use those barrels.

2 years ago we caught up with the times and made us 2 more. A little more work involved. Better design than a round hole for dirt to fall out of.
How do u protect them in winter in barrel like this ? We did this idea now I’m not sure if need move indoors when winter comes ?
Remember to stagger plantings/sowings every 2-3 weeks, and putting cool weather crops in the shade will extend your season quite a bit.. this has full sun from 8am til 1:30.. then shade rest of the day when it’s super hot.. I usually have greens and brassicas well into summer doing this.. nothing really fancy, just sound advice.. good luck to y’all this growing season.


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I planted stacked pallets took some slats out of center section for root veggies. Pallets were 4 high x2 then last section is only 3 high for strawberry and greens ( less roots ). It's tall enough for me to sit on edge . We covered in barn metal to hold soil. It holds 1200 # of soil. Works great.


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