What Are Your Plans For 2021?

What Are Your Plans For 2021?

  • Upgrade My Coop and/or Run

    Votes: 143 49.1%
  • Invest in New Technology

    Votes: 29 10.0%
  • Increase Chicken Treats

    Votes: 31 10.7%
  • Purchase/add more Chicken Toys

    Votes: 46 15.8%
  • Get More Chicks/Chickens

    Votes: 165 56.7%
  • Add other poultry in addition to chickens (ducks, turkey etc.)

    Votes: 65 22.3%
  • Reduce Feed Costs

    Votes: 51 17.5%
  • Add a New Breed/s To My Flock

    Votes: 124 42.6%
  • Reduce Flock Number

    Votes: 25 8.6%
  • Nothing, will keep things as is

    Votes: 25 8.6%
  • Other (please elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 28 9.6%
  • Participate in a Hatch-A-Long

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Build NEW Coop and/or Run

    Votes: 38 13.1%
  • Buy a New Coop and/or Run

    Votes: 14 4.8%

  • Total voters
We'll be building the larger, permanent coop and run and with that in place we'll get more chickens of several different breeds.

I intend to add one or two roosters, raising a number of cockerels of several breeds to determine which one or two suits us best (I am not afraid to harvest and eat the duds).

We intend to do at least one batch of meat birds.

I plan to do a lot of hatching and buying chicks. I would like to buy around 40 day-old chicks and sell them at the age of 6 weeks.

My intent is to attempt to offset some of the costs by ordering more chicks than we need then selling some as chicks and others as started pullets.

Better poll PLEASE add build new main coop wood this time no tarps

I think that would fall under "Upgrade my coop and/or run". :)
Wellllll........ I'll say that
A) coop thread will keep getting the updates as they occur.
B) I may start a silkie broody "round 2" thread
C) finish that original build article with all those pages that still needing to be scanned, uploaded and article finished....
D) harvest furtilized eggs and stuff them under the broody silkies... Thus "B"
Our main plan for 2021 is to finish building and move in our new home...
But I’m always scheming on how to get more chickens lol
Our current coop I don’t think can comfortably accommodate any new birds but I am constantly on buy and sell sites looking for used coops, sheds or anything that could be converted into a coop.
My husband really loves ducks so since I got chickens for my 40th this year I’d like to figure out how to surprise him with ducks for his 40th next September.
Also once we move in the new house I’d like to get our garden geared up and start a compost pile. We have an old carport frame we are going to wrap in chicken wire to keep the deer out and use that as a garden. Very much looking forward to playing in our new yard at the new house in 2021 and seeing all our plans come to life.
Our main plan for 2021 is to finish building and move in our new home...
But I’m always scheming on how to get more chickens lol
Our current coop I don’t think can comfortably accommodate any new birds but I am constantly on buy and sell sites looking for used coops, sheds or anything that could be converted into a coop.
My husband really loves ducks so since I got chickens for my 40th this year I’d like to figure out how to surprise him with ducks for his 40th next September.
Also once we move in the new house I’d like to get our garden geared up and start a compost pile. We have an old carport frame we are going to wrap in chicken wire to keep the deer out and use that as a garden. Very much looking forward to playing in our new yard at the new house in 2021 and seeing all our plans come to life.
:frow Welcome NS folks....
It's hard to believe another year is passing. As the popular old saying goes, “There’s always next year.” Flock management, forage, infrastructure? Identifying areas in need of improvement is always a must in most areas of life. And the same goes when it comes to your backyard flock. As 2020 bids us goodbye, what are your plans for 2021 when it comes to your beloved backyard flock?

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I desperately need to thin out my current flock. I can't hatch unless I find new homes/breeders for some of the birds already here ... and that's the whole goal of this "endangered chicken breed conservation" thing.
I'd also like to combine my upper and lower coops/runs so I we can run one big flock instead of the two smaller ones we currently maintain. "The Boys" are down to five, now, so they can run with the full mixed flock without upsetting the ratio too terribly.
If this handsome cockerel is a sweet boy I may try letting him join my girls. If that works I might try allowing a broody to hatch.
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