What breed and gender?

Oh no! It is the sweetest thing even flies up to perch on my finger when I walk in the pen...I can't keep a banty roo, but I'll wait till it crows if it is one...
Oh no! It is the sweetest thing even flies up to perch on my finger when I walk in the pen...I can't keep a banty roo, but I'll wait till it crows if it is one...

If it makes you feel any better, the "friendliest" cockerels often turn out to be the most aggressive adults. That "friendliness" is really aggressiveness. They fly to you because they are more aggressive in getting what they want (and making you do what they want) than the others.
I could be wrong, but based on the chick picture, I'd guess it's an Easter Egger. Easter Eggers can grow to be just about any color, but almost all of them have the striped "chipmunk" pattern as chicks.

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