What breeds do Rhode Island Reds get along with?

I have had Rhode Island Reds in the past & they got along with all different breeds. I have a RIR rooster right now in a mixed flock & he doesn't care what breed or color they are, they're his flock.
wow, someone told me that Rhode Island Reds are agressive and shouldn't be with a lot of other breeds.
I would recommend only keeping them with full sized chicken they are prone to pick at the other flock members that are smaller
When I first started I got my reds and buff orphington and Cornish cross meat birds all on the same day they were all born on the same day in the same hatchery of course the meat chickens were culled at 8 weeks they were the fast growing ones I ordered the orphs and the red for eggs layers I have about 100 of them and so far at 26 weeks I have yet to have a problem they all get along just fine even the 3 roosters are very docile I think it just depends on if they are raised together

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