What breeds lay pink eggs?

My EE lays light pink eggs. She has no beard but has tufts and is rumpless ( no tail feathers except for 3 that hang down). Since laying she is very docile and will let me pet her all the time. Her head is is such dark brown that you can't see her eyes. She is a bit clutsy and bumbles down the coop ramp so weve nicknamed her Ms. Magoo. Her actual name is Anne Bolyn.




I bought a couple of olive egger hens from someone a couple months ago. She said 1 was an F1 and the other an F2. i don't remember which was which but anyway one laid her first egg last week and it looked pink to me. She laid another the next day. Where would this come from? any ideas anyone?
Our neighbor gave us two white hens with small red combs from a big batch of mutt chicks he got in a farmer's auction. He thought they were Amberlinks. They turned out to be prolific layers of the most interesting two-toned eggs. The pointy end is rose pink that graduates to a lavender brown at the fat end. They don't quite match any photos of Amberlink eggs online, but being hybrids of unknown origin, who knows? They turned out to be the two friendliest hens in the flock, lay almost daily even in winter without supplemental light and are the first out of the coop on even the coldest mornings.

Here are my pink eggs! I found these eggs today. I didn't realize my hens were laying yet! My broody lays the pink eggs. One of her girls first eggs look like a pale blue next to hers! Am I right?
From gentside (Google translation)

In one Palestinian town, farmers discovered that one of their hens was laying pink eggs. This unique phenomenon remains a mystery for scientists.

In Palestine, in a town near Daharia (dahriya) , the farmers discovered that one of their 23 hens lay only pink eggs. The city veterinarian does not know at all what could have caused this sudden change and even reveals that this is the first time he has heard of such a phenomenon. The hen and its eggs will therefore be studied in an Israeli laboratory to understand where this strange phenomenon comes from , according to the site of TF1 News.

Moreover, even when trying to wash the eggs to make the color go, one understands that it is useless. The color persists and does not detach from the shell. From the inside, the shell is white and the yellow and white are nothing special. The whole mystery of this hen lies in her very unusual shell. The owner of the chickens even says that she has not changed anything in feeding the bird. It is only fed with wheat and barley, says the Euronews website.

If we are far from the myth of the hen with golden eggs, the hen with pink eggs also retains many secrets for scientists. The eggs may be of a more or less dark color, but it would also be interesting to know if the chicks of this hen will also have this pink color.
Posted by Sébastien Courtin, on June 13, 2012


Anyone living there ?

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