What cell phone service do you use...

We have 4 Verizon lines and don't have any problems with them. Before that we had Nextel (then Sprint when they got bought out) and HATED it. Customer service was horrible, plans were outrageous, phones were crappy and expensive. I will never switch from Verizon again. Also, I get an 18% line discount and a 20% data discount thru my job, which helps since DH and I both have smart phones.
There are 4 of us on a family plan. We all have different phones, none too fancy, and none of us get good service here so I don't think the phones are the problem. Could be the same problem with different carriers too... wish we could test drive cell service!
We have Verizon as well due to the large coverage area and the fact that the rest of my family has it. Big the thing with Verizon is-WATCH YOUR BILL very closely-they love to throw in these obscure $100 charges here and there-very, very dishonest company, but they have a lot of us over a barrel due to their coverage area.

I was reading reviews of Verizon on cnet and I couldn't believe all the negative comments about the overcharges and crappy customer service. It definitely gives me pause when thinking abou switching to them!
Never heard of that... will have to try it!
We had Nextel too, which became Sprint. DH gets an employee discount with Sprint. Not much but it does help. Why does cell service have to cost so much?? Sigh...
I have Verizon as they are the only provider that has reception where I live. Plus I don't have much of a choose as my phone is on my parents account and they pay the bill.
Yay Chicks! :

AT&T. Have an iphone.

Ditto--never had a problem although I do have the app that allows me to tell them where I don't have service.
Ditto--never had a problem although I do have the app that allows me to tell them where I don't have service.

My 17 year old son wants an iphone for Christmas. He ain't gettin' one... they're just too expensive for him to break, lose, or let get stolen at school (someone just stole the ipod touch he got for Christmas last year while he was at school
I have Tracfone. Cheap plan like $5 a month. Basically I just have it for emergiencies and use it once in a while. The only problem is when you have to call customer service. Oh man....what a pain. You get transferred over to India. Half of the people will just keep you on the phone when they have no idea what they are doing. Some of the people you can hardly hear, so I just keep calling until I get somebody I can hear. Otherwise, the price is cheap and the service is really good.

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