What color eggs do muscovy ducks lay?

Just to add my sixpenneth, I have a chicken, ISA brown, that also says eggs the same size as the muscovy which lays larger eggs than the other muscovies!! Also, a muscovy that I had laid duck-blue-coloured eggs! Unfortunately a dog killed her, so I didn´t get any more, I´d have liked to have kept a muscovy that lays blue eggs, like the chickens...apparently the blue is caused by a virus in the predecessors that changes the colouring in the egg in the following generations. I imagine the same must have happened with the duck.
I know I'm late to this party but my Muscovies just started laying 3 days ago.. off white with a green tint and the soapstone feel are great descriptors.

Also if you candle the eggs chicken eggs have no detectable pattern to the shell. Duck eggs you can see an almost spiral patern in the shell, like striations (?). Once you see it there will be no doubt, but it's hard to explain, almost looks like faint rifling..

Our Muscovy eggs are small as far as ducks go. Our Pekin eggs are about 85 grams where our Muscovy eggs are about 75, our larger chicken eggs run mid 60s..
hello people! I have a male and two girls, one of them is currently expecting her babies. Their eggs are kind of white/pale green and large. I am a bit worried about the broody, the last few days she won't even get up to eat/drink and i put a small box with food and water next to her but each morning i visit her the box is upside down and water is spilled. i also worry about the cold weather when eggs will hatch, will the little ones be able to survive?
hello people! I have a male and two girls, one of them is currently expecting her babies. Their eggs are kind of white/pale green and large. I am a bit worried about the broody, the last few days she won't even get up to eat/drink and i put a small box with food and water next to her but each morning i visit her the box is upside down and water is spilled. i also worry about the cold weather when eggs will hatch, will the little ones be able to survive?
What part of the world are you in? Usually right before hatch mama ducks hardly leave the nest or eat much but keep providing it for her anyway, but when ducklings do hatch don't put water inside anything they can get into and chill or drown.
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i live in Greece, north.
should i put mommy and the babies after hatching somewhere else away from other birds?
The other female lays eggs here and there but never sits on them so I ve been cooking them. I ve noticed that my eggs' whites are transparent and thicker unlike a chicken's egg-white
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i live in Greece, north.
should i put mommy and the babies after hatching somewhere else away from other birds?
I'll tell you what I do, I use plastic poultry fencing and make a pen and put mama duck in there inside a small coop till duckling hatch and are at least 3 weeks old, That way everyone has visiting hours with mama and ducklings but no one can pick on them or hurt them, they can all see each other daily and the ducklings can gain strength and size so when the fence comes down they can scoot out of the way if some one wants to bully them. By then they are big enough to start finding their place in the flock. Big thing here is keep them where everyone can see them that way they can get use to having new family members.
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Took this picture in the last week. Bottom pic. The chicken egg is a pink egg from an Easter egger. Middle one is from a Muscovy and the one on the right is from a Khaki Campbell duck. You can clearly see the muscovy has a tint to it and some of my mucovys lay an almost tan colored egg like the one on the far right in the back row.The two on the far left are also from my blue and white muscovy girl.

I know this only confuses things but I don't believe there is a standard. I can tell all my KC eggs from the muscovy as the KC are quite white. The huge egg in the carton is from a KC.


These are from today.. I think they are showing much more green tint then reality

Buy I think Left Pekin Duck
Middle Muscovy?
Right. RED

THE middle egg actually has a very light green tint, nowhere near what I see color wise from my EEs.. that and when wet they have the duck egg swampy smell
Oh yes, the middle one is the exact same color as mines'

Yesterday while i was feeding the broody i noticed 2 brown chicken eggs with hers and I wonder...is it possible that she took in her nest chicken eggs?
Can someone please give me advice RIGHT AWAY? I have 3 WH ducks
They are penned only. In less than an hr I plan to go see and possibly buy a breeding pr of Muscovies that will need to share the pen with my WH. I just read the Muscovies are aggressive. Is it safe to put the pair with my others. I do have a drake WH and 3 young ducks yet sexed. I will not take any chances with my WH's if anyone advises me against this. Thank you.

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