What could cause this??

I'd contact your state's poultry extension and see what they can do for you. They might offer testing at a reasonable price. If you end up losing another bird, keep her refrigerated but not frozen and get in touch with your state poultry extension about sending her in for a necropsy and follow their instructions from there. Depending on what results you get back, you can make some decisions moving forward
I guess I don't have my phone set up correctly to receive notices of replies. I missed your's FrostRanger!

I did indeed lose another hen. So that's 2 since the weather turned hot.

I contacted a vet that does the poultry for a vet clinic in Stillwater, OK. He gave me some advice, but unfortunately, I think it was too late. 106° Farenheit is HOTTT and that, in combination with whatever ailment this was, proved to be too much for her. I injected her with whatever he'd advised, but alas... 6 hours later she succumbed.

So. 3+ weeks have passed....

And now, I wonder about ANOTHER thing I've noticed....whether it may be related. I've got some young additions to my flock: 6 Bielefelders and 3 Black Australorps. All pullets, about 3 1/2 months old. Occasionally, I'll notice some moisture on my hand, when hand feeding them snacks. (Fancy Scratch Grains)

On 2 occasions now, I've observed this 'liquid' coming from their mouth while pecking the grain... in a large enough quantity that some of the grain clings onto my previously dry fingers.

It's not unlike a dog might drool in anticipation of his favorite treat. It isn't really mucous-like so much as it's just a watery discharge. From their mouth.

I've not observed nasal discharge, or sneezing. No watery eyes or swelling.

I had had already considered, but did not pursue a necropsy, mostly due to time constraints. But also the veterinary I spoke with at Stillwater, sort of calmed my fears, stating nearly ALL chickens wind up with Mycoplasma.

I had mentioned to him that I was paranoid about Mycoplasmosis and he asked "why is that? Chickens nearly all get it."


Is this very occasional watery discharge when eating a normal chicken thing? Chicken Slobber?

I'm only about 18 months in, and still have lots to learn!

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