What did you do in the garden today?

Nah. I use it 3-4 times a day this time of year. The trick is to use body temp water and you don't even feel the water moving. NOT using it I feel like I'm drowning. It's awful.
And I used to do synchronized swimming as a kid, so I'm used to water being all up in my head. I didn't like the chlorine burn, but eh.... @chicken opey
Nah. I use it 3-4 times a day this time of year. The trick is to use body temp water and you don't even feel the water moving. NOT using it I feel like I'm drowning. It's awful.
And I used to do synchronized swimming as a kid, so I'm used to water being all up in my head. I didn't like the chlorine burn, but eh.... @chicken opey
Maybe I’ll try again. I swam from age 4-16 so I’m not afraid of water in nose. I just had sensation of drowning 🤷🏻‍♀️
It was very hot & humid today. I had to drive to pick up an item for the job tomorrow & traffic was awful, what should've taken 2 hours max ended up taking 3. Before I went I made sure everyone had fresh water & collected eggs...the heat got to me, or asthma, or both, I nearly passed out. When I finished I came into the house, peeled my sweat-drenched clothes off & took a cold shower & drank 3 big glasses of water. So tonight, I'm doing the dusk chores, and it looks like rain, but it is supposed to miss us with a later storm rolling in 11pm. Well at 8pm it suddenly got windy & then rained it's butt off, rain was blowing sideways. It is still raining 18 minutes later & I'm still in the pigeon loft as I thumb type this on the phone app. Well, I don't know how the young veggie plants fared out, can't see them from in here. Guess I will find out. I'm glad it finally rained & the temperature dropped 20 degrees, but we could've done without the wind.
Maybe I’ll try again. I swam from age 4-16 so I’m not afraid of water in nose. I just had sensation of drowning 🤷🏻‍♀️
I heat the water for 25 seconds in my microwave (yours may vary) keep your mouth open and remember to breathe through it. Breathe exaggerated, like blowing out candles, if you need to.
@jerryse YIKES

Drove home from Costco with my windows down. HUGE HUGE mistake. Massive sinus headache. But I was out of water for my navage. First thing I did when I got home was rinse out my brain. Didn't work. HOT half hour shower helped a LOT. Now I'm sitting here with a sinus headache hangover.
Otherwise, the disc mower is already hooked up and waiting.
Felt like 100 today. Rinse and repeat for the next 4 days, with severe weather over night each night.
I'm sorry, I so sympathize. Airborne allergens trigger sinusitis for me, too, but what I eat makes it worse. It's why I have given up on corn and nightshade vegetables.

My best go-to for sinus pain is a wet (wrung out, not dripping) hand towel heated for a minute in the microwave. Don't burn yourself, but place it over your face. I fold it to fit from nose to forehead. It feels so good, and it works better for me than a hot shower.
A friend gave me several black raspberry plants, and they are going gangbusters and loaded with berries.

A couple of blackberry canes were in with them. I dug out 2 last fall, and found one sprouting up again. I just clipped it off at ground level, as I don't want to disturb the black raspberries. I'll keep clipping it off until it gets the hint.

That might not be enough for your canes, @chicken1234. You might need to keep digging them out for a season or two. Or use some kind of herbicide.
I treated garden w Neem again bc of aphids in beans. Maybe i shouldn’t treat the aphids on gardenia and crepe Myrtle? I feel they moved to the bean patch. 🤔
Now that my cow peas are coming in I’ll put in my anti gravitational boots and pick em 😱


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