What did you do in the garden today?

Did you ever check the pH of your soil? My blueberries put out maybe 12 berries/bush. Then I checked the soil and started adding soil acidifier. HUGE difference. My bushes are loaded this year.

I froze some last year. I'll do it again this year when I catch gobs each day.
I haven't had it tested recently... But the whole reason why the other 6 blueberry bushes died is because I didn't know what I was doing and ended up OVER-acidifying the soil. The soil in one bed was literally around 2.9 pH! 😳 I ended up having the dig all the soil out of that bed and replace it because nothing would grow there...

I will wait until late August to get it tested and then amend with the fall rains. The bush looks very healthy and vibrant though. Just no berries. I do usually put some acidifer (Espoma) and fertilizer down LIGHTLY but didn't do the acidifer this year.
I order a lot from Amazon but I do check to see if it’s available locally first. Walmart here is pretty good and they have same day delivery or pick up in the store or parking lot. They’re working to compete with Amazon. Brick and mortar stores are not great around here unfortunately. I do miss going into a store to look for clothing.
I will use Amazon to find an item, and get a price, then try to find an item locally or through a smaller internet seller from the US. EBay is pretty good, I have had very few issues. I got my new cordless power tools through sellers there.

I get clothing from places like Vermont Country Store, Land's End, LL Bean, and Macy's. I get cotton accessories like socks from Maggie's Organics, and winter wear from Golden Touch Naturals. And I get my work skirts from Woman Within: long skirts with POCKETS!!

I'm not getting anything from sharing those companies, just letting you all know of optional shopping sources.
There is just no comparison in taste to garden fresh ones. Dd asked why does it have so much flavor ? I guess bc it stayed on vine till ripe, was pollinate by bees!
Now the others need to hurry up! I didn’t care that it had blemishes.


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Most doctors these days have become handcuffed by insurance companies. They are either a slave to the pharmaceutical industry or to insurance companies. Both have more sway in your treatment than your actual doctor does... Honestly I try not to go to the doctor at all unless it's something super serious. I've just lost all trust and faith in the medical community in the past 10 years. I do better treating myself holistically than they ever have...
Most doctors here are handcuffed to the hospital. If they join the hospital network they get better fees, but they have to do as they're told, obey the company line. If they're not part of the hospital network they don't get paid as well. They lose income but keep their autonomy.

One thing I didn't know until recently is all the protocols that are enforced by the hospital hierarchy come from CMS mandates, aka Medicare. If the hospital doesn't do as CMS dictates, they lose funding. It's a vicious cycle.

I want to go back in time and be able to pay my doctor with a chicken!
I haven't had it tested recently... But the whole reason why the other 6 blueberry bushes died is because I didn't know what I was doing and ended up OVER-acidifying the soil. The soil in one bed was literally around 2.9 pH! 😳 I ended up having the dig all the soil out of that bed and replace it because nothing would grow there...

I will wait until late August to get it tested and then amend with the fall rains. The bush looks very healthy and vibrant though. Just no berries. I do usually put some acidifer (Espoma) and fertilizer down LIGHTLY but didn't do the acidifer this year.
Maybe it needs a second bush to cross-pollinate?

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