What did you do in the garden today?

a few tomatoes that managed to form got sunburnt. those I started from seed mostly died, the others less than 2". no flowers with this heat. I give up summer garden. I might start some cucumbers, zucchini and bush beans from seed by the end of july. on the other hand peas, brassicas, lettuce, onions, etc. is something I can start late july and have them till march.
Just got outside for some chores & I hear thunder. We do have rain coming, supposedly noon then all day into tomorrow. I'll believe it when I see it. It's been very dry here the last 4 weeks & predicted rain has missed us every time. The blueberries are about finished, then the raspberries & blackberries will be next. I have a few varieties of blueberries & I do notice the difference. Lots of little squash & squash flowers & many green tomatoes are on the vines, looking forward to them all getting ripe. 🍅

The lot next door has been growing wild for decades. The Mimosa trees have PITA seed pods, but I have to admit, their fragrant flowers are sweet & I see Hummingbirds often buzzing about them. I have loved their fragrance since childhood, they always reminded me of pink wishes, like Dandelion seed heads.
I will be cussing come Fall, picking up a zillion seed pods, though. 😆
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Since the ground had a good drink yesterday morning, I'm hoping to get out and pull some weeds later today. It's shopping day, and I really can't put that off this week, as we're nearly out of milk, and that is required for coffee and tea.
Dad always kept Coffee Mate as a backup, so when we lived together (I moved here to care for mom, recently relocated here. We both had cancer, then dad had a stroke when mom was close to dying, then he had cancer & also passed, so I stayed here, for now anyway). Anyway, my routines, work, entire life changed. He sort of got me hooked on coffee & the Coffee Mate. Prior to that I drank tea with honey. I still continue the habit & although I know it isn't healthy, it tastes good with coffee. So DH & I have been using that more than milk. I know...not good. My health routine gets foiled by these darn taste buds often.
Just got outside for some chores & I hear thunder. We do have rain coming, supposedly noon then all day into tomorrow. I'll believe it when I see it. It's been very dry here the last 4 weeks & predicted rain has missed us every time. The blueberries are about finished, then the raspberries & blackberries will be next. I have a few varieties of blueberries & I do notice the difference. Lots of little squash & squash flowers & many green tomatoes are on the vines, looking forward to them all getting ripe. 🍅

The lot next door has been growing wild for decades. The Mimosa trees have PITA seed pods, but I have to admit, their fragrant flowers are sweet & I see Hummingbirds often buzzing about them. I have loved their fragrance since childhood, they always reminded me of pink wishes, like Dandelion seed heads.
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I will be cussing come Fall, picking up a zillion seed pods, though. 😆
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My brother love mimosa tea! It’s such a beautiful tree!
Been in the upper 90's for like two weeks, and we've only had like five minutes or something you might be able to call 'a sprinkle' the whole time. My plants are suffering, even the established trees. The tree in my neighbor's front yard is dropping leaves like it's fall. I'm desperately trying to keep my potted trees alive until autumn so I can plant them safely.

The battle with the japanese beetles is in full swing. The bags seem to be working for now. Only had them up a few weeks but I'm already on bag #3 for each post. So disgusting how many of these pests are around.
I was drenched in just 5 minutes into my chores! I’m so hoping a watermelon will be ready for the 4th!
Does the stem really have to be withered and brown? Checked on butternut and not ready either
It’s the curly bit nearest to the stem that the watermelon is on-that curly bit needs to be withered/dry not the actual stem to that watermelon. At least this is what I’ve always been told.
Nephew got back from 2.5 week scout camp in NM on Wednesday with a double ear infection, pneumonia and two broken ribs from coughing so hard. He also lost 15 pounds - but they did hike up the mountain, live sparsely, and did a LOT so I don't count that.
So poor thing has been drugged and taped like mad and has pretty much been sleeping for the past 4 days.
Slept right through his 18th birthday.
Poor thing.
I'm still waiting for a haying window.
Tomatoes are really struggling with these 'Cooler' temps. Temps in the 80s and low 90s are cool for us in June and into July. Copper fungicide is the word in the garden this year. Heck, last night we dropped down to 52'F. I didn't close the window though, and the whole house will be open today. I'm sneezing like a crazy woman, and I'll have to dust when I close it back up again - but fresh air!
The massive wire ring around the tarragon is much better. I've never SEEN tarragon get so large! It's a shrubbery!
Concord vine is LOADED. I'll need to make a net for it soon to keep the birds off the ripening fruits. The Catawba is finally vining like mad, so those will produce fruit next year. RIght now I'm just trying to contain the vines to where I want them and not where they want to be. No snatching cars off the road as they pass.

Have a great day all.

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