What did you do in the garden today?

I don't know... Maybe? But I feel like something has changed in regards to their normal food supply or hunting grounds. They just seemed so determined and almost desperate. And I've NEVER seen them hunt as a group before...at least not around here. While my property does appear secluded from the ground because of the huge oak trees, it's actually rather urbanized from a birds perspective given that I'm right on the edge of town. They usually stick to hunting in the more rural areas... And Arkansas has A LOT of rural area.

I don't know... Their persistence just seems so weird.
Is it a breeding pair? I used to only have migratory hawks spring and fall, then one built A nest and I have nonstop hawks now. No more free ranging. To be honest though, with bird flu up again I would've kept them always in the run anyway.
Is it a breeding pair? I used to only have migratory hawks spring and fall, then one built A nest and I have nonstop hawks now. No more free ranging. To be honest though, with bird flu up again I would've kept them always in the run anyway.
Could be... I saw 2 that were regularly together... I thought there were just 2 but my new neighbor was outside watching me. He thought I was actually SHOOTING at them. Uh, no... Not only are there houses really close by but it's also illegal. However most officers in Arkansas allow people to protect livestock under attack but I digress. I was setting off bottle rockets to scare them off. The neighbor said he saw 3 of them out there rather than just 2. They were pretty aggressive about diving towards my birds until I let my Husky-Great Pyrenees mix out. Afterwards they kept trying to hang out in the trees to stalk instead or just circle high overhead.

I have a doctor's appointment in the morning so I'll probably leave the dogs out to help act as a deterrent until I get back home.

If they are migrating, I'll be happy when they move on!

Potato bed.The new silkie rooster. His name is Mister
I raised the floating row cover over the brassicas and lettuce by a few inches, enough that it wasn't laying directly on the plants, but didn't get any daikon seeds planted. Maybe tomorrow...

While raking around the herbs I accidentally pulled a little thyme plant out of the ground so I decided to put it in a pot. I dug up a small oregano plant too and got it potted up, both in a 50/50 mix of small gravel and mole hill dirt.

I'm going to rip all the herbs out of the garden and grow them exclusively in containers. I don't use enough herbs to justify using garden space where I could be growing tomatoes instead. A small variety of herbs in containers will be plenty for me.

Marjoram and tarragon will be gone. Don't need 'em.

And the crocosmia is spreading like wildfire. I need to dig it out and replant it somewhere else, outside of the prime gardening space. Only problem is that I'd need a half yard of dirt to fill in the hole left after digging it out.

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I raised the floating row cover over the brassicas and lettuce by a few inches, enough that it wasn't laying directly on the plants, but didn't get any daikon seeds planted. Maybe tomorrow...

While raking around the herbs I accidentally pulled a little thyme plant out of the ground so I decided to put it in a pot. I dug up a small oregano plant too and got it potted up, both in a 50/50 mix of small gravel and mole hill dirt.

I'm going to rip all the herbs out of the garden and grow them exclusively in containers. I don't use enough herbs to justify using garden space where I could be growing tomatoes instead. A small variety of herbs in containers will be plenty for me.

Marjoram and tarragon will be gone. Don't need 'em.

And the crocosmia is spreading like wildfire. I need to dig it out and replant it somewhere else, outside of the prime gardening space. Only problem is that I'd need a half yard of dirt to fill in the hole left after digging it out.

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I always liked keeping my herbs in pots by my back door. Just step outside and snip a bit while cooking.

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