What did you do in the garden today?

I have used a 6x8 trailer or a 5x8 bed. You put them in and then push to make them an arch and secure the crap out of them with straps and then you have to be VERY careful when you UN-do the straps. But it was really no big deal.
Looks like the smallest rental is a Ford pickup. After more Googling than I should really have to do for determining a rental truck’s haul space I think it’s got an 8’ bed. Anything you would recommend as far as straps?
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Looks like the smallest rental is a Ford pickup. After more Googling than I should really have to do for determining a rental truck’s haul space I think it’s got an 8’ bed. Anything you would recommend as far as straps?
make sure you protect the truck you rent. The vibration of moving those things and bending them into an arch will scratch.
What does that compare with renting the Menards truck, HomeDepot/Lowe's, UHaul moving type trucks for a couple hours?

I used ratchet straps. Two to hold the panels in the arch shape, and 3 or 4 to hold it all down in the back of the truck/trailer. I treat the arch separately, so I could roll it out/off the vehicle after unhooking it, and then I could un-do the last two to let it flatten again.

The guys at all my TSC stores have experience with getting those into trucks and trailers at as an arch, at least mine do.
Our tomatoes, peppers, and marigolds have all sprouted. The tomatoes got a jump on me though. They sprouted and I didn't realize it so they got a little leggy, growing about 4 inches in just a day or two before I turned the lights on. The peppers and marigolds sprouted under the lights along with the last few tomatoes and they are all looking great. Even the left toms will be alright I think. They didn't get too far along before I caught them.
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I think I'm going to pass on growing any zinnias or marigolds this year. I have one parsley plant that overwintered and will flower this year, so that will be the extent of my garden pollinator attractors. Well, that and the expanding crocosmia patch.

My second batch of cabbage seeds began sprouting out of the seed starter mix today. Hopefully that will give me 6 more heads of cabbage for my homemade sauerkraut addiction.
nice weather here. I am going to clear one corner of my garden #2 area and plant tomato and pepper seeds. no need of growing them inside. garden #3 is still for grass (for goats and vietnamese pigs). tomatoes and peppers will be transplanted there and beans, corn, zucchini, etc. will be directly planted.

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