What did you do in the garden today?

Taking a break, my body is not used to sun and warmer temperatures (mid 70s).

⬆️ This is fully rotted compost, what is underneath my composting leaf piles. It's not dirt, because we have yellow clay.


⬆️ This is my Summer squash bed, fully amended today, and ready to plant.
Planted the persimmon seedlings. Easy with the bulb auger on a cordless drill. I noticed skeeter wigglers in a neglected bucket. Scooped them out with the aquarium net. Fed them to the guppies. Glass top on aquarium so no escapes into the house. ;)
I did this same thing on Tuesday! The guppy food I mean.

Hopefully the persimmons take off for you.
I put the grandkids garden back together. Then I took a walk about on the slope. It looks like Spring is finally coming. I found this little surprise. It must have been planted a half century ago.

My little pear tree looks good and the forsythia I planted last year is starting to bloom. The garden I planted corn in last year is not under water so I should be able to work in there this week. Hopefully I can start planting soon.
all these garden posts are making me said, just got about 4 inches of snow the other day :( no gardening here for about another month.

⬆️ Nursery run this morning: bought marigolds, vinca, portulaca, and plum tomatoes. The lantana, bidens, and citronella were purchased 2 weeks ago.

May my annuals make you happy! :hugs


Oh, and milkweed is up, too.

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