What did you do in the garden today?

My dill is gone. Completely as if never there! I may need to grow inside till established! šŸ¤”
Volunteer loofah growing!
Corn tasseling out! Super excited as we may get edible corn this year! If not - chicken food!
Did weed eating and Iā€™m plumb tuckered out! At least it was just in 80s and cloudy šŸ˜…


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Gā€™morning gardeners. @Wee Farmer Sarah I hope youā€™re feeling ok today! FYI on Xyzal, itā€™s just one of the two ingredients in Zyrtec rather than both of them; did absolutely nothing for me. Not much happening here other than watering and watching the melon runners grow. The chicks are still doing great, but it has been pretty toasty here so Iā€™m taking them wet feed twice a day in addition to what dry food they go through. Itā€™s about to get real though, I saw a five day stretch with temps at 113+ in our forecast this morning. That might even keep morning lows too warm for taking the dogs to the park over the weekend. If those conditions continue into July I think trying to grow corn will be futile but going to try anyway.
I tried to save a baby bird that the mama made a nest next to our garden! (Maybe sheā€™s the one that ate all but 3 poppy seeds?). I donā€™t put feeders out bc of my clowder outside (7 ferals).
Well, I caught my inside cat w one hopefully already dead baby bird! I guess they are ready to fly the nest? They donā€™t have many feathers but I rescued one hanging upside down (she was waiting for it to fall). Then it promptly hopped back out and all &@& broke loose. I am try to wrangle my cat w birds doing a dive bomb on me!!
I did wrangle her in the house. No clue if the baby bird made it! To show her complete displeasure in me, she banged on shower curtain as I showered!
šŸ˜‘ these animalsā€¦.


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I tried to save a baby bird that the mama made a nest next to our garden! (Maybe sheā€™s the one that ate all but 3 poppy seeds?). I donā€™t put feeders out bc of my clowder outside (7 ferals).
Well, I caught my inside cat w one hopefully already dead baby bird! I guess they are ready to fly the nest? They donā€™t have many feathers but I rescued one hanging upside down (she was waiting for it to fall). Then it promptly hopped back out and all &@& broke loose. I am try to wrangle my cat w birds doing a dive bomb on me!!
I did wrangle her in the house. No clue if the baby bird made it! To show her complete displeasure in me, she banged on shower curtain as I showered!
šŸ˜‘ these animalsā€¦.
I had a similar scenario a few months ago. A Carolina Wren made a nest on a shelf in our garage. This is the 2nd year in a row that she has done it. Everything went fine until her babies were ready to fledge. That's when one of my barn cats, a sweet calico named Boo, decided she wanted to hang out in the garage all day. The moment she saw the fledglings, it was game on. She caught several which I managed to get her to release. No idea if they were gravely injured or not. I caught her and brought her into the house to lock her up for a few hours until the babies got away from the house. Boo is not an indoor cat she was rather unhappy about being locked up.

Two months later, mama wren has created yet ANOTHER nest in the garage. This one is in some Cornhole boards that are hanging up on the wall. Babies are not fledging yet but I'm worried they are toast once they do. Boo now stays in the garage almost all day long because our 2nd barn cat (a tomcat named Mouse) runs her out of the barn completely.

Drama... šŸ™„
I had a similar scenario a few months ago. A Carolina Wren made a nest on a shelf in our garage. This is the 2nd year in a row that she has done it. Everything went fine until her babies were ready to fledge. That's when one of my barn cats, a sweet calico named Boo, decided she wanted to hang out in the garage all day. The moment she saw the fledglings, it was game on. She caught several which I managed to get her to release. No idea if they were gravely injured or not. I caught her and brought her into the house to lock her up for a few hours until the babies got away from the house. Boo is not an indoor cat she was rather unhappy about being locked up.

Two months later, mama wren has created yet ANOTHER nest in the garage. This one is in some Cornhole boards that are hanging up on the wall. Babies are not fledging yet but I'm worried they are toast once they do. Boo now stays in the garage almost all day long because our 2nd barn cat (a tomcat named Mouse) runs her out of the barn completely.

Drama... šŸ™„
What can we do? I try my hardest to not make any place appealing to birds! Idk what else we can do! I love the birds bc they help w bugs but I have cats šŸ˜‘
Well yesterday was pretty much a bust. My regular dentist forgot to get authorization from my insurance for the oral surgeon to do the extractions. I was so confused. I didnā€™t know what to make for dinner because I was planning on clear soup. Wah! So frustrating. The heatwave has begun. The portable ac unit I got on Saturday cools the kitchen and my bedroom but not the living room. I had a small window ac delivered from Walmart this morning. Now itā€™s cool. A good thing because it hit 90F at noon. I got up really early this morning to pick sugar snap peas, lettuce and kale. Then set up a tarp over the peas to shade them. I had already watered that garden when I took the dogs out first thing. Then after feeding the chickens I ran the sprinklers on the other 2 garden spaces then watered everything else by hand. After breakfast I installed the last of the AC units. As soon as I finish my coffee it will be nap time.


The peas didnā€™t plump up all that well. Hoping whatā€™s still on the bushes will plump up a bit more.

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