What did you do in the garden today?

My kale looks naked after cutting off the lower leaves today, but it should come back quickly.

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I've changed my mind about never growing bok choi again. The remaining plants are looking good a few weeks after I sprayed them with BT and sprinkled Sluggo on the ground around them.

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And the rest of the garden...

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Your greens look fab! Try copper tape around the beds, about 2 inches from the top. You may have to tack it on the wood, but it works wonders!

Copper tape uses
Your greens look fab! Try copper tape around the beds, about 2 inches from the top. You may have to tack it on the wood, but it works wonders!

Copper tape uses
That would take care of slugs climbing into the beds, but I also have a problem with earwigs. I think they're pretty much established in the beds, living under the woodchips during the day and eating plants at night.
That would take care of slugs climbing into the beds, but I also have a problem with earwigs. I think they're pretty much established in the beds, living under the woodchips during the day and eating plants at night.
They look bitey. I have no direct experience with them in australia, but I would try DE. I also read that they like fish oil and that can be used as traps.

Does Diatomaceous Earth Kill Earwigs?​

The short answer is yes. DE is used as an insecticide and effectively kills many different types of insects, including aphids, ants, mites, cockroaches, and earwigs.

The microscopic sharp edges of DE cut through the earwig’s protective covering, drying them out.

The main reason why DE is popular as an insecticide is because it is a natural compound that insects, including earwigs, cannot build a tolerance for. At the same time, earwigs may be able to build a resistance to certain chemical pesticides.

The greatest drawback to diatomaceous earth as a pesticide is that it is slow acting. This compound may take a few days to kill off an earwig infestation instead of the more instant solution that other insecticides offer.more solutions
I told my GP I would have a go after he put his boys in that cell masher. Have they changed the device?
Yes and it's so much better than the slamming metal plate on the breast. It's also faster and it's automated so I think that is what makes it easier. I forgot to tell the ladies on here that the plates are now plastic.
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Mine is just a case of okay that area is tilled now oh whatever just throw the seeds and cover them with dirt. Probably why I have so much stinking crabgrass.
I can relate on the crabgrass. I found a huge wad of it growing in one of the pockets near the top of my Greenstalk. I've only owned the Greenstalk for two months! How the heck did it seed itself in there so quickly!?!? Insane.

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