What did you do in the garden today?

We survived yesterday’s heat of 94F and humid. The temperature today is supposed to hit 97F. Wah! I’m trying to get laundry done before I turn the AC units on. They’re getting a rest right now. I’m heading to the grocery store to pick up a rotisserie chicken and deli ham to make pasta salad. The only thing that gets cooked today and tomorrow is breakfast and pasta for the pasta salad. My air fried wings will have to wait. Only garden plans are to do a cooling, light watering mid day. Stay cool everyone.
Heat starts to really ramp up today. It’s been hot- yesterday it was mid 90s and a feels like 110F according to the weather app. Really unusual for June to be this hot for this long.

There looks to be a brief break on Sun/Mon with mid 80s weather, but then the entire next week is again in 90s!

So, the sweet potatoes are still alive, loving the daily watering. They almost can’t be overwatered at this early stage. But they are under black plastic, so the watering is to help mitigate some heat too. But, they LOOOVE heat so all are looking pretty good. Looks like only one is dead, the other one I thought was dead is producing new leaves. The older leaves that hang over the black plastic look singed and dried up. But new leaves are being produced.

The pesticide appears to have finally killed off whatever was having a party in the melons, cukes, and beans. All seed sprouts are growing - just beginning though after the third time planting seeds.

did see one, small cluster of squash vine borer eggs on an acorn squash leaf,
Those eggs may actually be squash bug eggs, not SVB. The SVB drill a hole into stem, deposit egg inside the hollow stem. This becomes a caterpillar that destroys the vine from the inside. The squash bug is generally less detrimental (unless a big infestation) and works on the plants from the outside-they lay eggs on underside of the leaf. Luckily, they are pretty easy to see, and their first few stages keep them vulnerable to being destroyed by us.

OMG, bindweed, my arch nemesis.
Ours too. Still battling it. It’s terrible.

Now, off to do a morning assessment. Probably set up sprinkler in one area. Second area later on.
This butternut was 18 inches when I could get to it. It’s a lot bigger now! I think it’s going for pumpkin size 😮
I have several (good) issues in not planning out layout of garden well - thinking I could keep butternut vines along row etc.
I guess I need to get a stick and go through the watermelon patch? I have no clue how many are there - don’t want to let any rot on vine that’s ready to pick


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@Minanora glad he's feeling better!

How the heck many cuke plants do you have? LOL, every time I look you have jars & jars of pickles. :lau I love it!

I got released from my back surgery restrictions today, which is nice, but told I have a 25 pound weight limit for the rest of my life. :hit Now I can't carry a bag of chicken feed or a 5 gallon bucket of water. That's gonna be tough, but I need to be thankful I'm not in a wheelchair & suck it up.
Definitely better than the alternative! Glad you’ve been released.
It was hot. Husband asked for a drink and only request was that it have some mint in it.

Out from the freezer came the cantaloupe that I saved from the garden and had frozen it in light syrup. Perfect for drinks and smoothies! The one produce book in my gardening and canning library indicates that this is the only way to really preserve cantaloupe.

Frozen canteloupe, mint, San Pellagrino, one 4 ounce can of tonic water, some mint leaves (no alcohol added). Blended with some ice.
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frozen last Sept in some light syrup. Still tastes great.
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:eek:Yes please! I have flowers on my cantaloupe right now, I’ll be dreaming of this until I have fruit.
It's what it looks like and it only ate leaves as it passed through a cornfield and state park. From my porch. View attachment 3866441
I was just watching a few docs about the tornadoes that tore through the south in 2011 yesterday. Been there, done that but it sure is scary. Can’t remember how many nights we slept in the root cellar.
G’morning all. It was pleasant with a light breeze before the sun came up. Watered the grass and the melons and the smaller shrubs out back. The Carolina jessamine is having a rough time, the sun is scorching leaves. Mentally going through supplies to concoct some sort of shade for it for late afternoons. We’re under a heat alert for a while, I felt sick to my stomach when I saw the forecast today. We need to move.
Honestly I couldn't name all the of the weeds growing in my yard. I know I have goat heads crabgrass and another one that has almost microscopic stickers in it and those stickers that are kinda like a spiral. Oh and foxtails. I also forgot about the tall ones with the yellow stickers that have thorns on them that are deadly to horses. I just need a new yard 🤣
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Burn, baby, burn!

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