What did you do in the garden today?

Busy morning. I got the laundry done, grocery shopping and picked up a drive through lunch for me and one of the grandkids. All this before noon. After I fed the chickens this morning I extended the shade tent over the peas then added tomato cages over some of the tomato plants. After lunch GD helped me give the chickens watermelon slices and add ice cubes to their water jugs. Just back from dropping her off at home. It’s 2 pm and I’m taking a break. Next up is to give a light cooling shower to the garden. The heat loving plants are thriving in this weather.
@Minanora , kale trees sounds about right. :lau

I picked all the lower leaves from my red merlot leaf lettuce (freebie from Baker Creek) and some bok choi. Going to be eating big salads for a few days.

I watered the 30 zinnia starts that I planted in the garden this morning. If 15 survive long enough to bloom, it'll be more than enough. I still have 24 marigolds and 24 more red leaf lettuce to plant once I figure out where they'll fit in the garden. And a pair of raspberry plants too.
We survived yesterday’s heat of 94F and humid. The temperature today is supposed to hit 97F. Wah! I’m trying to get laundry done before I turn the AC units on. They’re getting a rest right now. I’m heading to the grocery store to pick up a rotisserie chicken and deli ham to make pasta salad. The only thing that gets cooked today and tomorrow is breakfast and pasta for the pasta salad. My air fried wings will have to wait. Only garden plans are to do a cooling, light watering mid day. Stay cool everyone.
I plug cooking appliances outside to cook in this heat. electric fry pan and pressure cooker. .
tried the dehydrator, but too humid. I just freeze and run in the cool weather to warm the house
I plug cooking appliances outside to cook in this heat. electric fry pan and pressure cooker. .
tried the dehydrator, but too humid. I just freeze and run in the cool weather to warm the house
I can’t stay outside for very long in temperatures above 85F. Health reasons. I have a gas grill and charcoal smoker grill but I don’t use in extreme heat. I’m usually better prepared for these heatwaves, but I stocked up on soft and liquid food for the oral surgery that didn’t happen. Most of that needed cooking as well. The trip to the grocery store will get me through this heatwave. No worries. One more day to go.
I'm planning on getting out to water the garden and chickens. Gotta get some dishes done (thank goodness for the dishwasher), laundry and feed the dogs and make sure Bella has enough water for the heat. Our weather has been up and down. We were in the upper 70s then to the 80s and all of a sudden triple digits. Now we're back to the upper 80s low 90s.
I plug cooking appliances outside to cook in this heat. electric fry pan and pressure cooker. .
tried the dehydrator, but too humid. I just freeze and run in the cool weather to warm the house
I have hung up the drying till winter. Told dd we would blanch and freeze the beans and experiment this winter 🥵 unlike the canning where I can control when I do it, early hours, drying takes so dang long - a lil heater in house

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