What did you do in the garden today?

My Niece her boyfriend worked to put her through college.
She is a working doctor now. she is putting him through school now
He want make limbs and shoes for folks.
He learned how to make shoes working for cobbler as a kid,
Ya, DH said last year that it's my turn now for PhD, and I was like 'what's the point?!' at this stage. And now there are too many extra hoops to jump through that I'm NOT interested in so ugh. I don't know.
As for school costs, ya, it's insane.
my sister makes 20,000 a year total. Both her kids qualified for NO financial assistance from the universities, figure that one out. I can't. So they applied for a crazy number of scholarships and made grades through high school that are shockingly high.
They both ended up with full rides to a different private universities with their scholarships paying for room board and books, most of it anyway. But to not qualify for any financial aid? Shocking. Where/who is that money going to?
Ya, DH said last year that it's my turn now for PhD, and I was like 'what's the point?!' at this stage. And now there are too many extra hoops to jump through that I'm NOT interested in so ugh. I don't know.
As for school costs, ya, it's insane.
my sister makes 20,000 a year total. Both her kids qualified for NO financial assistance from the universities, figure that one out. I can't. So they applied for a crazy number of scholarships and made grades through high school that are shockingly high.
They both ended up with full rides to a different private universities with their scholarships paying for room board and books, most of it anyway. But to not qualify for any financial aid? Shocking. Where/who is that money going to? Pell grants and federal student loans even maxed out don't even touch even just the public in state school prices.
I'm trying to get an idea for what to grow next year and I was wondering if you all could give me some ideas/names of the vegetables you grow. I think changing out the norm would be a good idea for me. I just don't know what to look for. Thank you for your help in advance.
I strictly grow what we eat plus one odd veggie.
One year it was snake bean (grow yearly now).
Mammoth beet was another (fail).
What do you like to eat?
I'm trying to get an idea for what to grow next year and I was wondering if you all could give me some ideas/names of the vegetables you grow. I think changing out the norm would be a good idea for me. I just don't know what to look for. Thank you for your help in advance.
knowing where (generally) you're at would help us a LOT
@akroberts1085, here are some things to consider.

1. Grow what will grow in your climate.
2. Grow stuff you like to eat.
3. Grow stuff that you can/have the time to/want to care for
4. Try one or two new things every year.

What are you growing now?

I'm trying to grow more greens. I've discovered I like chard, collards, and beet greens. I thought I didn't, but someone suggested I sauté them, and that was a game changer.

Sometimes changing how you prepare a food will make a big difference in your perception of the taste.
I have morning glory plants but my husband mows them down so they don't get big enough to be a problem. The oak, cottonwood and mulberry trees are starting to seriously anger me. I don't know who planted so many stinking trees but I am trying to get them gone so that I can have my orchard of fruit trees.
Drill and poison.
Heat starts to really ramp up today. It’s been hot- yesterday it was mid 90s and a feels like 110F according to the weather app. Really unusual for June to be this hot for this long.

There looks to be a brief break on Sun/Mon with mid 80s weather, but then the entire next week is again in 90s!

So, the sweet potatoes are still alive, loving the daily watering. They almost can’t be overwatered at this early stage. But they are under black plastic, so the watering is to help mitigate some heat too. But, they LOOOVE heat so all are looking pretty good. Looks like only one is dead, the other one I thought was dead is producing new leaves. The older leaves that hang over the black plastic look singed and dried up. But new leaves are being produced.

The pesticide appears to have finally killed off whatever was having a party in the melons, cukes, and beans. All seed sprouts are growing - just beginning though after the third time planting seeds.

Those eggs may actually be squash bug eggs, not SVB. The SVB drill a hole into stem, deposit egg inside the hollow stem. This becomes a caterpillar that destroys the vine from the inside. The squash bug is generally less detrimental (unless a big infestation) and works on the plants from the outside-they lay eggs on underside of the leaf. Luckily, they are pretty easy to see, and their first few stages keep them vulnerable to being destroyed by us.

Ours too. Still battling it. It’s terrible.

Now, off to do a morning assessment. Probably set up sprinkler in one area. Second area later on.
I started my sweet spuds at the end of summer and they are still going great (so far) with no cover and 6C / 42.8F o'nite temps. By all accounts, they appear to be indestructable once established.
I'm trying to get an idea for what to grow next year and I was wondering if you all could give me some ideas/names of the vegetables you grow. I think changing out the norm would be a good idea for me. I just don't know what to look for. Thank you for your help in advance.
I grow garlic, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, cukes, kale, chard and lettuce. I sometimes get spinach, broccoli, cauliflower to grow but usually they fail.
Carrots have always failed.
have grown eggplant and bulb fennel for a friend, I don't care for them.
I've tried to grow cantaloupes before, probably 7 years ago. They died, whole plants, probably not enough water. This year I'm growing them and they appear to be thriving. Same with honeydew!


So does mine! 😂 I harvested a ton of kale yesterday, now they look like palm trees.

I didn't even know.... But I have this weed ..... And I can't tell you how much I hate it!
Pour boiling water on it.

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