What did you do in the garden today?

I have been making sour dough bread every day for about a month now and I am finally beginning to understand the process. I found that a 65% to 67% hydration dough is easier to work with than a higher one and most recipes uses a gram scale. I also figured out a way to get my dough out of my silicone banneton basket by lining it with a plastic film and brushing the plastic film with a non-stick oil spray.
This shaping video and sour dough recipe video are what has been working for me.
You could use parchment paper instead of plastic wrap and oil. Just a thought
I got the pumpkin starts planted this morning. It was already over 80 at 7:30 am. Wah! I put weed barrier around the plants then used the wild grass/hay I cut from that patch last week as mulch. That should get it through this day until the thunder storms roll through later. I noticed that my neglected pea plants are actually producing a few pods. I’ll save these after harvesting for the grandkids. I iced the chicken waterers at noon and just 30 minutes ago. They all got plates of watermelon slices to go with that.
Good morning gardeners. We got a couple of scattered showers yesterday evening. That brought down the temps a little quicker. Happy first day of summer. I’m going to plant the pumpkin starts this morning. This is the last day of our heat wave, thank goodness. I have a lot of weeding to do in the gardens after this heat moves out. I tried adding a bale of EZ straw to my TSC order but it won’t be available until next week. Hopefully they have some tomorrow when I pick up the order. I really need to mulch between the rows of beans, squash and tomatoes. I think the potatoes could use some extra also. I should be able to get my pepper plants into containers on Sunday morning. Then I’m done until August. I used seed tape carrots this year. That

won’t happen again. So far, out of all the tapes of carrot seeds I planted I may harvest 8 to 10 carrots. It looks like the row I put in one of the tomato beds may be coming up. Fingers crossed.
I have some EZ straw and was worried about putting it into my garden because of all news of people ruining their gardens with straw that's been sprayed even though it's labeled safe. Have you used it before and it turned out ok? I never have enough mulch and keep eyeballing it in my garage.
You could use parchment paper instead of plastic wrap and oil. Just a thought
The dough with the plastic food wrap comes out with the banneton lines, and I don't have to scrub any flour off, it stays clean. I may be the first person to have discovered the advantage of using plastic food wrap with a non-stick spray for silicone bannetons. The plastic food wrap will stick to the dough without the non-stick spray. I spray very little oil on the bottom and use a silicone brush to spread it around the sides.
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Going out to the lake property today, staying until Saturday. Gave everything a deep watering, going to be in the high 90's. I really need to finish my automatic irrigation.... 🤦‍♀️

New nesting box installed yesterday. One hen laid in it already this morning! Woohoo!

Beans are already sprouting. Hopefully they survive my absence. Lol
G’morning all. It was pleasant with a light breeze before the sun came up. Watered the grass and the melons and the smaller shrubs out back. The Carolina jessamine is having a rough time, the sun is scorching leaves. Mentally going through supplies to concoct some sort of shade for it for late afternoons. We’re under a heat alert for a while, I felt sick to my stomach when I saw the forecast today. We need to move.
Wanna move to PNW with me? This heat sucks.

Huckleberry anything is awesome.
I have never had huckleberry!

This is the last day of our heat wave, thank goodness.
You're so lucky - they extended ours to Sun. But, I'll be up your way so it's all good.
I didn't have any luck with my garlic and onions. I have planted melons but no luck with those. My pumpkins I got 9 the 1st year. Last year I didn't get any. My tomatoes, green beans, zucchini, crookneck and yellow squash, hot peppers all did really good. I sometimes think I am cursed when it comes to most of the vegetables I want to grow bc they very rarely produce anything. I'm hoping this fall instead of planting a fall garden I will make a HUGE garden area with raised hugelkulture beds and I also want to try some electro culture. I just have to get the yard rototilled to get most of the weeds out.
Have you had your soil tested by any chance? If not check with your local extension office, they can probably help.
I have some EZ straw and was worried about putting it into my garden because of all news of people ruining their gardens with straw that's been sprayed even though it's labeled safe. Have you used it before and it turned out ok? I never have enough mulch and keep eyeballing it in my garage.
I use it in my garden every year. It's baked to kill the seeds, it's not treated with anything. & they apply a tac so it doesn't blow away.

Stupid hot out there. My poor broody, she's got a fan on her, ice water & some frozen fruit. Sure hope she breaks by tomorrow when I leave or I'll have to start over next week.

Things growing this year:
Lettuce, spinach, celery, strawberries, blueberries, rhubarb, garlic, onions (spanish & EWO), herbs (dill, sage, thyme, rosemary) beans (pole & bush), squash (summer, spaghetti, trombocino which is new to me this year), melons, cucumber (couple kinds), eggplant (new to me this year), carrots, radishes (also new), peppers (all hots), tomatoes (sungold, black cherry, celebrity, brandywine yellow & pink, better boy & beefsteak) & horseradish. Phew, I think that's it! Oh plus edible flowers: borage & nasturtiums.
add soil sulfur at the time of planting.
What does this do for garlic?

I dug one garlic plant to see how it's going down there. Just fine! This year, I got some German White. I've been growing Music for several years now.
I even pickle grapes. They are so so so good!!!
Recipe...? It sounds interesting!

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