What did you do in the garden today?

G’morning all. I watered but the Carolina jessamine is looking bad! I put some shade in front of it, but it might have been too late. I’m not giving up on it, hoping it will come back when the heat subsides a bit. I had a table in the boys room that they’re no longer using so we moved it outside as another cover option. Not sure I’m happy with the location so it may get moved, but it’s out there anyway. The rooster and his best girl will be moving to my sons on Sunday morning. I just need to figure out how I’m going to catch the mamas and babies and get them into the coop at night until they start going there on their own. The two pullets from earlier this year are roosting in there with Elvis, but my two older girls won’t go in there with him at all. The ducks haven’t ever been cooped so they’ll sleep wherever I guess. I have two coops and a good sized cover over where I’m putting the pool so they may just sleep there.
They look like my Brooks, very light & airy, no sweating which is great. But they are not good for when I am gardening or doing flock chores at all. The muck boots are sturdy but I cannot wear them in the heat of summer, hot feet are not a good thing. The old Reeboks were so comfortable, combo of leather & breathable. They changed, not comfortable anymore. 😔
I agree about Reebok's they're not comfortable anymore here either!. . I get my chicken chore shoes( there's a mouthful!) at a thrift store for $2. I have some danskos right now that gets me out up and of muck .I also have a pair of croc knockoffs at
$ general I use. I've gotten sandals that had thick soles that keeps my feet higher that poo for summer , I've even got a pair of Uggs for winter for $5 . My run is covered tho.
I loved Clark's shoes when I was in the corporate world, they had the most comfortable. Had to wear heels with bsns suits, well the Clark's 1.5" with cushy insole was so nice. How those gals wear those 3" to 4" heels is a mystery to me.

I am still looking for the most comfortable sneakers. I bought some Brooks & they're ok but I miss a good sturdy yet comfortable shoe. Back in the day Reebok walking shoes were amazing but they changed. I have muck boots for wet chores but mostly in summer I want a good type of sneaker shoe mostly. Does anyone have a good suggestion? Shoes you wear affect your feet, ankles, knees, hips & lower back, too, as we older gardeners know all too well.
Shockingly, I love my new sketchers slip-ins. BUT every single pair they make (models) fit totally differently, so you literally have to find a store and try the damn things on. Like the look of that one over there but have on a size 9? Can't go grab that one in a size 9. NOPE it has a different cut, a difference heal strike, a different heal cup, and the sole is differently balanced.
It makes a royal PIA.
One that is crazy popular at the allergy clinic with the staff are the new Hoka Sneakers. Those also have the same fit problem.
But with me, every pair felt like the heal was two inches below the rest of my foot, setting me off balance.
I LOVE under armour sneakers, but they are getting hard to find. Last time I found a pair, I bought 3 and stashed them away.
When my lower back starts to hurt, that's when I know it's time to break out a new pair, no matter how good the pair I'm in looks.

Happy hunting.
G’morning all. I watered but the Carolina jessamine is looking bad! I put some shade in front of it, but it might have been too late. I’m not giving up on it, hoping it will come back when the heat subsides a bit. I had a table in the boys room that they’re no longer using so we moved it outside as another cover option. Not sure I’m happy with the location so it may get moved, but it’s out there anyway. The rooster and his best girl will be moving to my sons on Sunday morning. I just need to figure out how I’m going to catch the mamas and babies and get them into the coop at night until they start going there on their own. The two pullets from earlier this year are roosting in there with Elvis, but my two older girls won’t go in there with him at all. The ducks haven’t ever been cooped so they’ll sleep wherever I guess. I have two coops and a good sized cover over where I’m putting the pool so they may just sleep there.
My broodies would go where they belonged at night, we helped direct with a hog stick.
As for the babies, we keep butterfly nets - found at $ Tree- this time of year for 1.25$ to snatch the wayward babies.
I’ve always heard the closer the better due to pollination.
Has it been 80-100 days? If it has, I would pull.
From what I’ve read it could be weather (too hot and dry), soil (nutrients) or a virus .
Not sure if this helps. Is there a local college or group you could take a stalk to identify the problem?
It's been 70 days, so is a little shy. I read that article earlier. ☺️

I'm thinking it's either the heat or, worst case, root knot nematodes. But I doubt it's RKN because it's mostly new soil and everything else in the bed is thriving. But there is a low chance. I did not do the nematode soil drenchs in this bed like I did all the other ones.

I agree with closer together but I've read that planting too close can cause stalks to not form ears. Some of mine are closer than 6 inches together. I've fed them well and watered deeply.

I may contact the AG professor at our local community college and the University down the hill.
Today, my score cut on my second sour dough was almost horizontal with the intent of creating a flap. I baked this sour dough on a pre heated pizza stone and covered it with a stainless-steel mixing bowl with my Breville Smart Oven set on pizza at 400F for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, I took the stainless-steel mixing bowl off, and used the bake setting with the convection fan turned off, and baked it uncovered for another 20 minutes at 420F. In addition, I poured 1/2 cup of hot water on the catch pan. I can see good steam blisters on this bread, and the color inside look light brown like wheat bread, but it has no ear. This sour dough had only 1/4 cup of wheat flour mixed into it and it changed the color and taste of the bread.

The first sour dough that I baked had 1 cup of wheat flour plus 2.25 cups of white 14% protein flour. The color inside was brown like whole wheat bread and it was very flavorful. I pre-heated my Beville Smart Oven to 480F on the pizza setting, and steamed it covered with the oven turned off and baked it uncovered for another 20 minutes at 420F. I scored a deep 45-degree angle on this one and it also came out with no ear.

In conclusion, the inside color of both breads was about the same with the one with 1 cup of wheat flour being darker, and I enjoyed the flavor and texture of both sour doughs, and I don't think an ear would make a world of difference.
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My broodies would go where they belonged at night, we helped direct with a hog stick.
As for the babies, we keep butterfly nets - found at $ Tree- this time of year for 1.25$ to snatch the wayward babies.
I don’t usually have any issues. My rooster is moving to my sons this weekend. My older girls won’t go near him; he was caught beating one of them of up and had her cornered in the coop; the two oldest girls don’t like him so won’t let him mate and therefore, in his mind, they need to be punished. The girls were here first, so he goes. Once he is gone I’ll get everyone back to roosting in there.

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