What did you do in the garden today?

I was able to finish all the garden chores I started yesterday. I shoveled chicken run compost around in the garden to level things out, then planted a six foot row of yellow wax bean seeds left over from two years ago.

The peas and horseradish got a good dose of my homemade liquid weed tea fertilizer, then I watered the entire garden. And several succulent sucker sprouts were removed from the indeterminate tomato plants.

I'm allowing one sucker to grow in addition to the main shoot on the indeterminate plants, hoping to get more tomatoes. I think the beaten eggs I fertilized them with yesterday will help too.
This is my first year growing them, they're so pretty. I love that they're all different. Hopefully I'll have flowers soon.
Got up at 6:30 am to do morning chores and it was still 106 degrees with the heat index. This was right after we got out of church...

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Storm just came through and now it's 71 degrees outside! ❤️❤️❤️

OK, folks with vacuum sealers... I have a Food Saver 4440. I picked up a bunch of pork loins that were on sale for under $3/each. Decided to put them in marinade and freeze them. I've never used my Food Saver with anything wet.... And the experience was frustrating. 🤬 I couldn't get the bag to seal no matter what I did. Even on the moist setting, it keeps sucking the marinade into the machine, making a colossal mess, and not sealing. I was so frustrated and angry that I eventually just used an impulse sealer and threw them in a mylar bag... 🤬🤬
My Food Saver sucks. I'm over it & barely use it anymore. It just makes me so mad every time I try to use it that I just don't, lol. It sucks chicken juice inside & then doesn't seal every single time & the seals on mine aren't replaceable.
It wasn’t too hot, but so so humid.
It was so icky out today, wasn't it?! We had some good storms come thru, dropped a couple inches of rain so I don't have to water & now it's much nicer out.

Hand pollinated a few cukes today & picked some green beans, that was all I did outside. Too nasty. I stayed inside in the AC & cooked lots of freezer lunches for DH.

I keep picking all my strawberries & eating them before I can even get them in the house. 🤭
Garden tour, June 30

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This is my first year growing them, they're so pretty. I love that they're all different. Hopefully I'll have flowers soon.
I grew a few zinnias last year and saved seeds for this year's garden. I used them to plant a patch of zinnias that's around 8'x5' in size, next to the crocosmia clump, which should make the pollinators happy.

I left the volunteer potato plant growing in the midst of the zinnia bed just because it was there first! LOL

I got two half sheet baking trays filled with blanched peas into the freezer. I have at least one more tray full in the refrigerator. I’m hoping to get that all processed tomorrow. After that I get to “rest” until the beans start growing. All beans, string green, black turtle and pinto beans are starting to blossom.
I'm going to have lots of peas to blanch and freeze! I think I'll start picking them tomorrow morning.

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Anyone ever been successful growing TWO crops of sweet corn in a season?

I harvested most of my small (very small) crop this evening. Got less than 20 ears in total. Most were missing a lot of kernels so they clearly didn't germinate well... Had about 4 or 5 that were really wormy. I'm throwing those out to chickens in the morning.

So anyway, there's easily another 20+ ears out there which never developed. I thought about clearing everything out this weekend. Putting down some nitrogen heavy compost... And then planting another round, maybe more densely this time... I think my corn varieties are somewhere between 65 - 75 days. I should have 90+ before it even thinks about getting cold.

Thoughts? Anyone done that successfully?
Anyone ever been successful growing TWO crops of sweet corn in a season?

I harvested most of my small (very small) crop this evening. Got less than 20 ears in total. Most were missing a lot of kernels so they clearly didn't germinate well... Had about 4 or 5 that were really wormy. I'm throwing those out to chickens in the morning.

So anyway, there's easily another 20+ ears out there which never developed. I thought about clearing everything out this weekend. Putting down some nitrogen heavy compost... And then planting another round, maybe more densely this time... I think my corn varieties are somewhere between 65 - 75 days. I should have 90+ before it even thinks about getting cold.

Thoughts? Anyone done that successfully?
Go for it. Our last round of corn was planted last week.

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