What did you do in the garden today?

What a great idea! Of course, it'd need a good, strong lock. Neat, clean, insulated, and with air-flow. Ideally, under a roof, so that it were accessible in all weather.
After fire ants decimated my Irish and sweet potatoes this year I'm not a happy camper. I'll probably plant more zipper cream, purple hull, and black eyed peas this coming year and not bother with any of the potatoes.
I noticed an ant colony has made a home in my potato bed... 😑 I need to get some Borax or something out there....
Cut down a bunch of low-hanging branches in the backyard today. Also did some hedge trimming. Did I mention how much I hate wireweed, pokeweed, and wild raspberries? :old

I also scooped the poop boards in the coop. So dusty... I'm going to be coughing up a lung later.

I really need to go work on cleaning out the debris from the garden but I'm not very motivated this evening... 👀
I dry sage and I discovered it needs a much longer time to dry because of the fleshy type leaves. I just packed my last batch of oregano a little while ago. I’ve “bottled” the equivalent of approximately one pint jar. I need to switch to another herb now.
I am seeing that! They are still on the dehydrator at 95 and are no where near dry hours & hours later. They'll go overnight. I might have piled them on a little thick, but its ok - I use a l ton of sage, it's one of my favorites. Tomorrow I do thyme (another fave) & suspect that will go much quicker.

I have 2 birds separated out, one had a bald neck from feeder damage that everyone kept plucking her new growth on so I sent her up to the spa with a friend. She's growing back feathers really well, hopefully they can go back in with the others before I go away so it's easier on DH.

Going to can some dilly beans tmrw. Maybe a couple jars of salsa too.
Its still very hot. So here I am, sitting on the couch instead of working outside. Which is annoying because we're leaving on Wednesday morning to LA... Then from there we're going to Orlando. So I'll be gone for 11 days, and well, crap. That's just how it is. Lol.

I did get the filter cleaned on my 75G fish tank though. I also fed a bunch of guppies to the chickens. Gotta lower the nitrate load while I'm gone. And now I have a bucket full of wonderful mulmy water to put in the garden.

Hopefully I'll be able to board our dogs.... I get to take them to be evaluated on Monday. They wouldn't assure my spot... so I'm nervous. My usual house sitter couldn't help and my best friend who looks after my girls while I'm away is also taking care of my garden and my seedlings. So I didn't want to burden her with more tasks if I can help it.

Today in the garden... I looked at it as I passed by with the tote full of guppies for the chickens, and again on the way back to the house. :D

Oh yeah and I bought potatoes from the store yesterday.... I noticed through the bag that a few had damaged skin, no big deal. I opened the bag and EVERY single potato had the skin damaged. Like, really bad. I cooked half of them up, cut up the rest and put them in the freezer. And when I say damaged, I mean, probably 40% of the skin on each potato was peeled off. I know there has been issues with potatoes this year. This was the first bag I've bought in probably 5 months because of the issues in quality. Next year I'm going to grow my own on purpose.

I bought most of my garlic today. I plan to plant out 140+ cloves this year.

When I get home from vacation I'll seed my onions and my spinach.
we got some light rain at night. I had to get up to check on my ducklings. couldn't sleep afterwards.

picked up some oaxaca corn and pulled the stalks out to feed my goats. it was more for goats as some ears remained baby size. 1 was poorly pollinated. luckily I hand pollinated most of them. I don't know when to plant corn. we had cold weather for long then it seems we jumped into hot summer weather within 24 hours. the hulles pumpkin vine barely fighting to survive. muscade d'provence that I recently planted is green and has 1 fruit that seems to be able to survive. I hope it will have time to ripen.

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