What did you do in the garden today?

Thank you for sharing this with us. I have a bunch of sow thistle and thought it was just dandelion then I realized it was different than the dandelion so I thought it was just another annoying weed that needed to be extracted.
Try this app to help I.d. plants and wildlife... it's a lot of fun.

Did too much yesterday. Put new rollers on a sliding door. Fought that all day. Not doing much today. Going to try baking Zucchini. More like bradded cheesy fried. So much Zucchini to use. Someone mentioned Guppies. My outdoor Guppy tubs are doing well. Lots of colors in there.
Aww, pics of Guppies please 😊
Apparently I have bindweed as well this year. It took over one of my pinto bean vines. It resembled the leaves on the bean plant so I didn’t realize what it was until recently. Wah!
Interesting. I guess it's made its invasion here in the northeast. 😖

I have the biggest tromboncino squash growing, I wish a pic did justice, it is easily 3 feet long. :lau It's starting to turn so I'll leave it on the vine a while longer & then get a pic. They are doing so well against the squash bugs & mildew, will definitely grow them next year, of course I haven't tasted one yet...
Aww, pics of Guppies please 😊
Sorry but the water is dark in the outdoor tubs. Pics showed nothing. I will bring the fish indoors for the winter. Pics then. Colors are red gold, snakeskin, blue and red mosaic. Might be other colors. Just mutts. I started with pet store fish and added a guppy colony of juveniles from a fish swap. Plus some from my Grandsons mutt tank.

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