What did you do in the garden today?


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Stopped into TSC for some wormer for the chickens, and they had these bags of flower seed on sale for $1. Yes, I bought all they had. 22 bags.
She said they purchased 25 and only sold three all spring and summer, so OUT they go since they are putting out snow shovels, blowers, and winter clothes. YES! The pollinator patch is due for a solid hay mulching and reseeding!
Still no rain here and likely none until maybe mid next week. The tomatoes are nearly done. The Fall crops are growing slow but they are growing. Trying to get caught up on housework. I bought a plant stand / shelving unit for my front covered porch. I’m going to try growing pak choi and lettuce in pots out there. I’ve tried pak choi in the garden and it just doesn’t grow there. Hopefully I’ll get lucky. Super disappointed with the nest box I ordered from Amazon. The product description said it was 13 x 13 inches. I put it together and trimmed the “feet” so it would fit on the support boards for the nest boxes. As soon as I set it into place I could tell it was pretty much the same size on the interior as the other boxes. I measured and it turned out to be 11 x 11 inches just barely. Why do sellers lie? So frustrating. I have one Australorp pullet that lays her eggs on the chicken run floor. I thought a larger nest box would be incentive to use the box. Wah!
Hot/dry -I love it. I know it will cool down soon, so I love it!!!

Had to water trees and garden yesterday. Today, it was scrub and sanitize the chicken waterers. They hadn’t been sanitized for awhile so they were due.

We sold 32 chickens at auction. Meh on price- averaged approx $10.50 each, then a 25% (maybe 20%) cut to the auction house - still most convenient way to get rid of the chickens. I think we have 20 dozen eggs in the fridge right now. But, laying will slow down soon.

Raspberries are making more flowers and berries!! Yay, one last batch of raspberries -not enough to freeze or cook with, just snacking.

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