What did you do in the garden today?

I just picked what I think is the last of the tomatoes. All green but showing signs of ripening. The temperatures will be in the high 60’s tomorrow and hopefully we’ll get some rain. Up on the hill I picked all the volunteer SM tomatoes and another nice serving of green beans. I heard some noises like a large animal close by so I didn’t bother the check on the grape vines. I still have about two dozen or more black bean pods hanging on the vines. I’m waiting for them to start turning a little light brown before picking. I turned the sprinkler on the fall garden for now. I’ve never successfully grown Brussel sprouts before and I am wondering if they need supports when they are still about 12 inches tall. I know @pennyJo1960 has success with them. Thoughts? Apple picking this Sunday. Looking forward to it.
Picked another box of tomatoes this morning, around 20 pounds or so.

I love watching the garden thrive, but there is something relaxing about having a clean slate again in the Fall.
I agree 100%.

ETA: This inspired me to remove a few garden plants.

This is a 2nd year curly leaf parsley plant that I purposely let overwinter so it would bloom and produce seeds. Pollinators love it. And it's already shed enough seeds to make enough volunteer plants for next year's parsley crop.

This is several flatleaf parsley plants that came up volunteer from last year's pollinator parsley. One chicken found a fat katydid hiding in the branches. They don't eat much parsley if any, but it makes for a good distraction.

Some of my seed stock rattlesnake beans have gotten huge! These are the seeds I'll be planting next year.

Got my last batch of carrot seedlings thinned out for the last time and hilled up on the sides to cover the root tops.
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