What did you do in the garden today?

Darn wasp sting has me so itchy, I can't focus.
I'll try to remember to get a photo of the male shed up today.
I've been putting poly seal on the interior floor and don't want to leave the door open long in our howling winds.
While I can't remember everything while I was growing up, I do remember things like how my mother locked the door on me when I went outside to knock off a yellow jacket's nest in our garage. Can you imagine a little kid screaming and pounding on the door. Lol, after getting stung multiple times, I ran down the street until they stopped chasing me.
You'll be trying hard to kill a mulberry tree. The repair looks good!
Well my goats are giving it a good try... 😂 This is the 3rd time they've gotten ahold of it and created the worst damage yet. I finally got DH trained to NOT leave the door to the duck pen open and then I go and accidentally do it

It's amazing this tree has survived this long.
ACV works well on yellow jacket stings. It might help with wasp stings. Still in a little drought here. I picked a handful of black beans I missed yesterday. I fertilized the collards again then watered everything really well. The mustard greens are big enough to start picking for a salad. The last 2 rows of lettuce I planted are sprouting already. Temperatures for the next 10 days are still in the low 60’s for the highs. The Brussel sprouts are stil growing but no ‘sprout’ buds yet.

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