What did you do in the garden today?

Seed Saver catalog just came! Already started my Wish List! This next year I'm really tempted to ask DH to till me a bigger spot in our side pasture to grow a bigger corn patch. Previously this was impossible because of the horses but we don't have any currently as they are at the training barn. I'd still have to put up a temporary fence to keep goats and critters out though. Anyway... Dreaming about this option and still have a few months to convince DH of my vision. 😂
*me while camping the MIGardener and Seedsaver websites for the last few weeks trying to talk myself out of growing melons next year* Resist! Resist! *closes relevant tabs* *opens new tabs on the same pages* Resist! Resist! 👀😅
Resistance is futile.
Oh I’m well aware! I already gave in to the little voice telling me to plant squash and started planning for it. 😅 Mostly I’m trying to put it off as long as possible in case one or more of the varieties I’m looking at turn up at the seed library. It’s happened twice now after I bought seeds, and would also greatly simplify the decision-making process.

Otherwise I’m going to end up buying all three, and fight with myself over which will go into the planter. 🍉🍈

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