What did you do in the garden today?

I don't know if this is true, but copilot think it is.

If you graft a tomato plant with Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) resistance onto a rootstock without TYLCV resistance, the grafted plant will still retain the TYLCV resistance of the scion (the top part of the grafted plant). The resistance traits are carried by the scion, so the grafted plant will benefit from the scion's resistance to TYLCV. Copilot gave this link to support its assumption https://mbao.org/static/docs/confs/2013-sandiego/papers/87RosskopfE.pdf

don't trust too much what any sort of AI says. a friend of mine had his car oil red lamp on. he went to one car shop to check why it turned on. their computer found nothing so they told him to put some more oil and water. makes no sense why oil lamp would turn on if water level was low. but young technicians know only how to use computer, no brain. my friend went to another shop. they did the same. on his way back home his car was dead. so dead that it could not be repaired.

so if you want to learn something find old books or some old people to tell you.
Only 1.2 inches yay!
Oc.it only 12° out, but I don't have to spend hours on a tractor clearing the roads!
Has the storm passed you already?

We are right around the line of low accumulation and mid accumulation. So far it’s looking like a 2-4” most likely accumulation for my area. So much better than sleet and ice. Of course there are some arm-chair “meteorologists” posting models with worse case scenarios, including one saying we would get sleet, snow, and possibly more sleet on top of that. Every other reliable source does not indicate sleet or freezing rain here.

Grocery stores have been busy since Friday!

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