What did you do in the garden today?

Yesterday I found a bunch of lemongrass trying to survive in my garden bed with end part of their roots hanging on to the soil for dear life. The upper part were above the ground. Poor thing!

Today I will try...we are having rain on/off so far, I will try to pull it out and plant it somewhere else in the garden. So may of my plants are surviving on their own, I have abandon them to the nasty mother nature.
No, because I need to get a few more things started, and then they need a few weeks/months to get some growth in. *eyes new onion seeds*
I went to the feed store yesterday and they had seed potatoes and onions out for sale... 😬 It took all my willpower to NOT pick up some. Two weeks... Just 2 more weeks and THEN I will get some.
I was, planted more lettuce, bought strawberries and temperature dropped close to freezing point. we'll have at least 10 cold days.
I can relate. We've had beautiful, warm weather this past week. Everything is budding out... And yet, we will be below freezing again next week with chance of snow. 😕

February is my least favorite month, followed by July and August.

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