What did you do in the garden today?

Afternoon all. I’m taking a break, been busy outside all morning. Watered the xeriscape area to see how the water is flowing and dug into one of the deep beds to see what the soil is like down deep and how moist it is. I haven’t smelled dirt like that since we moved into this house. I love that smell of rich, moist soil. I didn’t run into any cardboard so it seems like everything has broken down well in there. The shallow bed is drier and I did find cardboard, but it’s pretty close to gone. Good to know, there should be some nitrogen down in there from all the chicken poop. All the veggies are looking good and putting on growth. I’m backing off watering a bit in the beds with the sunchokes in them, but otherwise I’m happy with how things are shaping up. DH wants to go get the eye screws and carabiners for the shade and get that set up so we’re headed out. Enjoy your day all.
scions/cuttings grafting wood.
@jerryse What scions do you have currently?
I have a fig inside (rooted/rooting). It's dormant and I'm excited to see a green leaf bud any day. The previous scions didn't make it.
I have crepe myrtle cuttings overwintering in soil. Maybe they will survive.
Also persimmon cuttings in a pot with a cloche.
I marked/identified where I want the bareroot plants to be planted.
My pepper, onion, shallot and sage plants are doing well in the 50/50 mix of potting soil and mole hill dirt. I've seen no bugs and no signs of disease in the plants, maybe because the mole brings dirt up from deep underground.

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Garlic in the garden is enjoying the snow...

Anyone know of a method to clean winter squash seeds from the mat of stringy flesh?
When I've done it, I put the whole mess in a big bowl of warm water. Then I rub the pulp/seeds between my palm. The seeds float and the pulp sinks. I scoop off the seeds, dump the water and pulp. I do this 2-3 times, and the seeds are pretty clean after that.

Then I spread them out to dry.
I don’t know if it's legit--with China it's difficult to tell.

It looks like they're using hydroponics (nutrient solution in substrate) and somehow letting the tubers grow outside the beds. Not a lot of information in the video.
Looks like it's more complicated, and also misleading. The sweet potato vines were grafted on to another vine which is grown hydroponically, the sweet potato tubers grown in soil and then the containers removed for harvest.

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