What did you do in the garden today?

I can only respond with this photo. It hasn’t been above freezing here for a while. Tomorrow may reach 42F briefly. I’m not holding my breath. However, cold can be pretty.
Windchills heading for -30F tomorrow. And yes, it does matter, as I will be out in it. Bleh. High temperature will be 10 today and 14 tomorrow.
Arthritis in my fingers is screaming!
Warm food for the hens, and the alpacas are locked inside until the snow stops, then I'll open one of their doors so they can at least look outside, maybe poo outside. Hey, one can hope.
I’m nearly done with my garden plan. I ordered another raised bed for the patio area. I’m hoping to plant summer squash in that. Next up is inventory my seeds and order what I need. I did a lot yesterday so I’m having a low energy day. Tomorrow is going to be a sloppy snow clean up. I prefer the light and fluffy stuff. This is supposed to be snow then a wintry mix. Translated that is lots of heavy slush. Wah!
Out of all the videos on sweet potatoes that I have watched, this lady impressed me the most. She grows her sweet potato in an 8-inch-high x 30 inches wide grow bed and the bottom of the bed is covered with weed fabric. She has other videos on how she makes her fluffy soil which is the key to her success.

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