What did you do in the garden today?

Well, the 2025 garden is officially kicked off! I started a bunch of seeds:

Bunching onions
Swiss Chard
Goji Berries

Tomorrow will be in the mid-50s. I'll sow some spinach, arugula, carrots, and lettuce outside.

Also looking to dig out an old metal trash can that I'm going to use to store wood ash from the fireplace. Typically we dump the ash can in the compost but I think I'm going to save some of it for other things in the garden and around the house.
I did another seed order from Amazon. Most of the seeds don’t require a shipping fee so I prefer that. I only need onion sets and seed potatoes left to buy but will just go local with that. Yesterday got up to 31F. It’s currently 32F and sunny. Apparently it’s official, this was the coldest February on record. The ice pack is horrible but finally melting slowly. We’re forecasted to have daytime temps above freezing for a week now. I won't be starting any seeds at least until March. I like the Japanese method of sealing the wood by burning. It’s really easy and is effective at sealing the wood to protect it from decaying. Your wood should not catch fire as long as you go over it lightly with the blow torch and keep it moving.
Well, the 2025 garden is officially kicked off! I started a bunch of seeds:

Bunching onions
Swiss Chard
Goji Berries

Tomorrow will be in the mid-50s. I'll sow some spinach, arugula, carrots, and lettuce outside.

Also looking to dig out an old metal trash can that I'm going to use to store wood ash from the fireplace. Typically we dump the ash can in the compost but I think I'm going to save some of it for other things in the garden and around the house.
Have you planted any of the holy basil seeds? I'm going to be having a bunch of it.

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