What did you do in the garden today?

My new babies
Quick fruit tree Q: when should I plan to fertilize them? I typically use the fruit tree spikes, then throughout the season I foliar feed about every 2 weeks. I still need to spray them 1 more time while dormant with dormant oil (with added copper for the peach and nectarines).
I will be putting out fruit tree spikes this weekend. Supposed to get 2" of rain on Tuesday which will help initial release into the soil. Trees are still dormant right now but I expect them to come out of dormancy this week given the consistent warm weather we've had. I feed mine tree spikes this time of the year and then a balanced fertilizer again in May and July. Of course, all my trees are just starting to really produce. I got 2 apples last year and 2 very wormy peaches. :sick
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This is the spiciest tasting rocket i've grown. It was a transplant from the lawn and is now growing in all the carpark leaf mulch i've been swiping.

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I think this is a Chinese red cabbage? I live alone, so a few leaves from various greens and a meal is ready. All that lemon balm behind it get's used in the chook bedding and my cups of tea.

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Italian Chickory. Slightly bitter but the chickens like it, and it could be a good substitute for those struggling with the dandelions. Chickory spreads very quickly from offshoots. I'm going to poke a few runners in the chookyard where it can grow mad.
I can only dream of greenery at the moment ♥️
I decided to manually study my Bato bucket that I bought last year but never used. I put a 5-gallon paint strainer inside and filled it up with perlite and planted a determinate Red Snapper tomato clone. It can hold about half a gallon of fertilizer solution in the bottom reservoir and so far, it doesn't need to be refilled.

At first, I thought that I would need to set up a pump, but then I realized it's exactly like a wicking bucket and only needs to be refilled when the reservoir is used. After transferring the just rooted plants they didn't even blink like nothing happed to them. It's been two days, and it barely uses any solution. I know when they reach full maturity, they will be drinking about a gallon and a half a day. I have a plastic shelf and a 1 1/4-inch pvc pipe set up outside for the Bato buckets to sit on and drain in a bucket. I will add solution in the morning and evening and adjust from there.


I will be putting out fruit tree spikes this weekend. Supposed to get 2" of rain on Tuesday which will help initial release into the soil. Trees are still dormant right now but I expect them to come out of dormancy this week given the consistent warm weather we've had. I feed mine tree spikes this time of the year and then a balanced fertilizer again in May and July. Of course, all my trees are just starting to really produce. I got 2 apples last year and 2 very wormy peaches. :sick
Thanks! Ours are also young, have only gotten fruit from the two Asian pears. Hoping for peaches, apricots, plums .. one apricot lightly flowered last year l, but no fruit. One peach produced 3 early fruits, but they fell off a few weeks later. But, the Apricots and plums are the right age to begin to fruit.
I woke up with a small sinus head but I was out of special water for my nivage. UGH. I plowed on, rode my bike 12 miles, did quick chores, headache building.
Decided I better go get some distilled water. As long as I was driving to the market, 40 minutes away - I stopped at a barn sale (dusty, mouse droppings, real barn - fabulous sale). Tried to ignore headache.
Farm store was next door to barn sale - wandered in there.
Sinus' trying to explode.
Got distracted by the Charity shop.
Pressure on ears screaming.
Swung into the country market to get water, oh look Sonic pudding!.
Ears thumping (I get fluid behind my eardrums)
realize it's 2pm and I need lunch.
Pull through drive through, eat in the parking lot.
Drive the 40 minutes home and didn't even bother to warm the water.

A nice nivage and Tylenol and some ice tea...and two hours and I almost feel human again.

BUT I found my carbonated tea, some Irish cobbler potatoes for the garden, Sonic pudding, an incredible barn sale, and even managed to get the door in the barn that's been stuck for three years, open!

I will be a sofa lump, with a sinus headache hangover for the rest of the night though. Bleh.
Have you tried one of those masks that goes in the fridge? When my eyes feel like they’re going to pop out of my head it really helps me after the Navage until the Tylenol sets in.

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