What did you do in the garden today?

as I need shade I would not mind if my chickens didn't like sweet potato leaves.

btw can I start sweet potatoes from seed? someone wants to give me seeds but I have never heard of growing them from seed.
Hmm, no clue. I started mine from slips, though I'm sure seeds will also work.

From Seed to Harvest: A guide to growing sweet potatoes.​

Urban Farmer
I have been seeing online to stop poisoning rodents to prevent secondary poisoning of owl and other animals. I have been trapping mice this year. I find poison to not be very effective anymore. No moral HighGround just after results. Since thanksgiving I have trapped 60 mice and 3 voles. Satisfying to see results.

I lost a puppy to a poisoned mouse. I have been trapping rodents since. 14 rats trapped in my car this year. after they ate my broccoli and cauliflowers.
The winds were really high this morning. It busted open our gate to our backyard and our dogs got out. After several hours, we managed to find one but our other dog is still missing. I'm absolutely beside myself.... 😭😭😭😭 He is afraid of strangers so it is very unlikely he will willingly come to anyone who isn't family. We live close to a busy highway so I'm terrified he's going to be hit by a car... Or shot by someone who thinks he's a wandering stray. Or killed by a coyote or other dog since he's a small dog. I searched for him for 12 hours nonstop until it was after dark and all my gas was gone.

I'm so upset... 😭😭😭😭
MY DOG IS HOME!!! :celebrate I got up after a few hours of sleep to go look for him again.... We left the garage door open, in case he found his way home. He was curled up in front of the back door in the garage.

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