What did you do in the garden today?

I hate butchering roos... We do it once a year though and I pressure can the meat. It helps a little that we are at least feeding our family so it's not going to waste but I feel like such a terrible person in the moment.
RIGHT?! Like, it's not their fault that they hatched out boys. I picked out a new brooding/brooder coop today and they didn't have any in a box when I went to pick it up. They asked if it was ok if was already assembled and the floor model.
Um, so, I don't have to spend hours sitting on a dirt barn floor figuring out pictograms, scrambling to find the right tools, and swearing? UH< Yes, please.
So into the back of the truck it went.
She said people have been absolutely INSANE about getting hold of chicks this year. She said they stand in line for an hour before they even open, and buy with no supplies, no research, nothing. Poor birds.
She spend Tuesday trying to talk a woman out of buying the last 12 broiler birds - woman wanted layers, but wouldn't get the explanation through her head.
Good grief.
Garden wise. I have potatoes to get in the ground this week and horseradish roots to get in the ground in the front ditch.
Trust me, I'm trying... The problem is that this (bleep) will root itself anywhere it touches the ground. It spreads by runners which root themselves every few inches. Then it climbs and twists itself around everything it can. Trying to pull it up and it rips all the leaves & bark off but it is SOLIDLY attached to the ground. 🤬🤬🤬

I sprayed it with a gallon of pure vinegar mixed with lemon juice and castile soap. Waiting to see if that does anything.... 👀🤞
I missed what it is.
Anyone have any suggestions for a good organic weed killer?

I have a crazy, invasive vining plant that keeps trying to invade my garden from the pasture. There's also some privet and wild raspberries over in that area.... I'm trying to kill it all off


1. That area of the pasture slopes towards my pond which is about 100 ft away. I don't want to spray anything that will runoff into the pond.

2. I have my thornless blackberries in a bed adjacent to area I need to spray. I'm actually HOPING that the thornless blackberries will expand into that area eventually so I don't want to poison the soil for years....

I'm thinking about spraying some vinegar over there. I've seen suggestions to add salt online but I feel that might damage the soil for the blackberries. I've also seen suggestions to use boiling water but that spot is 200 - 300 ft from the house. Not sure I can safely get boiling water from here to there without hurting myself.

Any other suggestions?
Lethal injection of any poison into the main stem / stems of the vine and privet.
I'm having trouble transferring pictures from my phone, so you'll have to just trust me on this.

I have jalapenos and habaneros sprouting! The grow lights and the heat mat are da bomb! Less than a week! For pokey peppers.

Yep. Every night of the year for me. I also made the huge mistake of going to the local public library to study yesterday and had a full on allergic reaction there. I didn't catch it while I was sitting there until 2 hours in. My eyes were on fire, itchy all over, SO stuffy and a headache. The place must have been thick with mold, mites, dust.
Even my allergy shot spots this week burned.
Now I have a sinus headache.
I think I have bought stock in pseudo ephedrine. I cannot take regular Sudafed, and this works for the plugged sinus issues, which plagues me seasonally.

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