Private sales for 10$ per chick here too. It's INSANE!Holy smokes, it's hot out there...I planted more seed potatoes, treated for fire ants in several beds, planted some romaine, and weeded the garlic beds. Now I'm pooped and drenched in sweat.
Picked up some 30% horticulture vinegar to kill that pesky vine. I saw some organic weed killer but they wanted $30-$40, depending on brand, for not very much... The vinegar was half the cost for a full gallon.
Went to the feed store today. Saw chicks were already sold out. The breeds I want are/were supposed to come in on 4/2 but apparently the hatchery has already said there will be no Black Copper Marans which is mostly what I wanted so I'm not even going to bother fighting the crowd. I'll just hatch my own eggs.
I think I'm going to hatch chicks for sale too... Both the feed store and TSC said they had a LINE of people waiting to buy chicks before they even opened. Then the first 2 people bought ALL of them. The lady at the feed store said it almost caused a fist fight with other people who wanted to buy some too.... Like crazy. They are also charging $7-$9 PER CHICK (minimum purchase of 6).I'll charge $4/chick for straight run. That's insane...
Also hatching my own this year.