What did you do in the garden today?

The olive came from my neighbor. She has a few trees. I hope to get the trees growing because my grandkids love fruit.
I really want to get both olive and avocado trees. The avocado would have to be in a container so it could be brought indoors for the winter... But there's a SLIM chance that I could overwinter an olive here if I put it in a protected location. I'm still mulling it over... I really don't have enough room to add ANY additional trees/plants indoors for the winter. Not unless I give up on all these pineapple plants.
I've been doing some research online about pollinating my plum trees. Because I grew them from store bought fruit, I don't know if they are European plums or Japanese plums... This matters because European and Japanese plums will not cross-pollinate.

On the positive side, a Toka Plum (Bubblegum plum) will cross-pollinate with both, I believe. So if I needed any more justification.... 😁😜
Do you have wild plums in Arkansas? My plum trees will cross pollinate with wild plum tree blossoms too.
I got an idea to mix Gaviota 10-30-10 granular fertilizer in water instead of spreading it around my potato plants. It takes one tbs of it to 2 gallons of water to get a 700ppm or 1500 ec reading which is what I shoot for when mixing Master Blend for hydroponics. Maybe apply it once or twice a week. I think if I keep up with it, I should get giant sweet potatoes.
It's COLD today. Totally sucks. It was about 40 degrees this morning but with a constant, frigid wind clocking between 20-30 mph. It eventually warmed up to the low 60s but still feels chilly because of the wind. Glad I moved the hibiscus into the garden shed for some protection. I left the plumeria out but it still appears dormant so hopefully it will be fine. I read online they can tolerate upper 30s so I'm hoping that's right! 🤞

Didn't do much else today because of the chill other than unpack my Jung order and move that stuff into the sunroom for the time being.

I did find a pleasant little surprise yesterday... I had some lovely red tea roses that died due to some disease either last year or the fall previous. However it appears an entire new stalk is coming up from the root ball! I'll be sure to stay on top of spraying it this year. That's 3 flowers (2 peony and 1 rose) that came back from the dead this year... 😂

On a down side, my 2nd plum tree hardly put out any flowers so unless plums cross-pollinate with peaches, I don't think I'm going to get any plums this year... I really badly want to get a Bubblegum (Toka) plum but we'll see what happens in the coming months. Maybe the 2nd tree just needs another year to produce. It did get 3-4 flowers on it... Just not during the same window that the other one was in full bloom.

plums can cross-pollinate with peaches? I am going to buy at least 2 peaches and plant them near my 2 plums. it is year 3, they have always blossomed but no fruit. the truth is at the time they blossomed we had terrible storms that might have washed the pollen away.
I've been doing some research online about pollinating my plum trees. Because I grew them from store bought fruit, I don't know if they are European plums or Japanese plums... This matters because European and Japanese plums will not cross-pollinate.

On the positive side, a Toka Plum (Bubblegum plum) will cross-pollinate with both, I believe. So if I needed any more justification.... 😁😜
Your plum trees are likely Japanese or Japanese American hybrids. Seldom see European plums in stores. Think prune plums and they usually self-pollinate on prune plums.

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