What did you do in the garden today?

Your plum trees are likely Japanese or Japanese American hybrids. Seldom see European plums in stores. Think prune plums and they usually self-pollinate on prune plums.

When I was looking for plum trees, it was good that I learned this ahead of time -that there are Asian and American Plums, which don’t cross pollinate. So, I picked two American plums (Green Gage and Purple) and will hopefully get some cross pollination -might get blooms this year (although the one stunted by Japanese Beetles might not flower yet). These two were purchased from Grandpas Orchard (MI).
G’morning gardeners. @karenerwin happy to know you’re ok! We ended up with about 1/3” of rain Friday into Saturday so another good wet down without it being a gulley washer. I walked the garden last night, I’ll need to get out there and harvest some broccoli today :yesss: The corn really taken off so I’m going to ditch the row cover and I’ll get the last few seeds put in for some Roselle and the luffa. Happy St Pats all
Wind advisory again starting at 11 AM. I will share what I do with bare root trees. Many come pruned back for shipping. If not pruned back I prune them. This balances to top with the roots as lots of root loss in digging. The fine hair roots are lost. I soak in a bucket of water for a couple of hours to rehydrate. This next step may not be necessary. I spray the tree with Wilt Proof to help retain moisture.
Who would've guessed? I always thought miracle grow was good stuff. Thank you for this.
For those of us with limited bandwidth and data caps, can you tell us (me) what it is we should be aware of?

I very rarely click on videos.

Some day, high speed internet will come to me and I won't be tied to my phone or a jet pack for my (supposed) "high speed" connection.
plums can cross-pollinate with peaches? I am going to buy at least 2 peaches and plant them near my 2 plums. it is year 3, they have always blossomed but no fruit. the truth is at the time they blossomed we had terrible storms that might have washed the pollen away.
It is unlikely that peaches will cross pollinate with plums. I was being facetious when I said that... My apologies if my dry humor didn't come through in the post. 😉

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