What did you do in the garden today?

As soon as I can get some extra money for growing pineapples I am definitely going to do it. I will probably build a greenhouse for them and keep them close to the house. My kids and grandkids will be absolutely out of their minds about getting pineapple that didn't come from a can.
These are 4 of the 5 big pineapple plants in my sunroom currently. They will go back outside in a few weeks. I grew all 5 from just 2 tops out of store bought fruit. I did purchase a couple of specialty varieties that are still really small. I have them in a grow tent with my cocoa tree but they will soon be repotted into 5 gallon buckets and also put outside. All of the big ones should fruit this year. I'll be using the banana water on them as soon as they go outside.
@TJAnonymous, have you heard of making syrup from the pomegranates. My mom made some and oh yeah that's the best way to go with pomegranates.
That sounds amazing! I have 3 Russian pomegranate seedlings that I'm really hoping do well and grow quickly. I really do enjoy eating pomegranates and making juice ice cubes that I add to my lemonade or fruit water.
Who would've guessed? I always thought miracle grow was good stuff. Thank you for this.

For those of us with limited bandwidth and data caps, can you tell us (me) what it is we should be aware of?

I very rarely click on videos.

Some day, high speed internet will come to me and I won't be tied to my phone or a jet pack for my (supposed) "high speed" connection.
Its loaded with pfas (forever chemicals that hurt your soil). Along with some brands of organic fertilizers listed also that tested high with pfas. I've always used miracle grow when I've potted up my seedlings, but mix my own soil for beds and pots. I didn't know better but will change that practice in the future.
plums can cross-pollinate with peaches? I am going to buy at least 2 peaches and plant them near my 2 plums. it is year 3, they have always blossomed but no fruit. the truth is at the time they blossomed we had terrible storms that might have washed the pollen away.
Forgot to add, last year I had 2 apple trees that had some blossoms but didn't see really any pollinators around them so I grabbed a couple of blossoms from the smaller tree and hand-pollinated the bigger tree. I ended up with 3 nice big apples at the end of the season. Maybe you could try to hand pollinate them?
Wind advisory again starting at 11 AM. I will share what I do with bare root trees. Many come pruned back for shipping. If not pruned back I prune them. This balances to top with the roots as lots of root loss in digging. The fine hair roots are lost. I soak in a bucket of water for a couple of hours to rehydrate. This next step may not be necessary. I spray the tree with Wilt Proof to help retain moisture.
Thanks for the reminder! I always forget the soaking part... But when I do remember, I add some Super Thrive to the soaking water. I've never lost a single tree when I remember to do that!
These are 4 of the 5 big pineapple plants in my sunroom currently. They will go back outside in a few weeks. I grew all 5 from just 2 tops out of store bought fruit. I did purchase a couple of specialty varieties that are still really small. I have them in a grow tent with my cocoa tree but they will soon be repotted into 5 gallon buckets and also put outside. All of the big ones should fruit this year. I'll be using the banana water on them as soon as they go outside.
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I have been fruiting my pineapple naturally with fruiting fertilizer 10-30-10. I didn't have to force them with calcium carbide. However, I have a can of calcium carbide, so I still use it.

I let one sucker grow on the plant after I harvest them and cut off the rest when they are big enough. The one sucker left on the mother plant will fruit faster than the ones that I cut off and plant.

I planted some small suckers, and they didn't grow as fast as the ones left on the mother plant, so it's best to let them get big before cutting them off.
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I have been fruiting my pineapple naturally with fruiting fertilizer 10-30-10. I didn't have to force them with calcium carbide. However, I have a can of calcium carbide, so I still use it.

I let one sucker grow on the plant after I harvest them and cut of the rest when they are big enough. The one sucker left on the mother plant will fruit faster than the ones that I cut off and plant.

I planted some small suckers, and they didn't grow as fast as the ones left on the mother plant, so it's best to let them get big before cutting them off.
I think I have some bud & bloom or fertilizer for flowers/roses which has a higher Phosphorus number... I can check. I think you were the one who sent me the banana water video last fall. I did try it but we were so late into the fall that the plants were going into dormancy so I'm retrying early this spring as soon as they go outside.

As for the suckers/pups, I've generally been pulling them off and planting them in their own pot because I didn't want the plant to focus on the sucker instead of giving me fruit. I think one of the bigger plants has a sucker that I haven't pulled off yet. I'll let it stay and see how it does.
  • Took down the shade cloth from the chook shed roof, so I can re-erect it to shade its western wall
  • Removed some weeds
  • Set up a cat trap to catch the stray cat that has been terrorising my chickens
  • Rescued my Light Sussex pullets who got caught amongst the loose fencing near the shed (I am in the process of fencing it off from the backyard
  • Found a different cat that got caught in the cat trap (this one doesn't scare the chooks, but I don't know where her owners moved to, and the stupid council and the police would not help until tomorrow).
  • Took down the shade cloth from the chook shed roof, so I can re-erect it to shade its western wall
  • Removed some weeds
  • Set up a cat trap to catch the stray cat that has been terrorising my chickens
  • Rescued my Light Sussex pullets who got caught amongst the loose fencing near the shed (I am in the process of fencing it off from the backyard
  • Found a different cat that got caught in the cat trap (this one doesn't scare the chooks, but I don't know where her owners moved to, and the stupid council and the police would not help until tomorrow).
My neighbor's cat runs free, doesn't bother the chickens. It provides great rodent control for my place.

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