What did you do in the garden today?

I been having the same aphid problem as this lady in this video. I sprayed my Okra with neem oil and they came back after 2 days, then I sprayed dawn soap, and they came back again after 2 days. I am thankful that this lady shared her experience on YouTube. I am going to my local Lowes and buy all of their thyme plants. I am declaring war on the aphids... :wee

@TJAnonymous, that looks great. Much better than the before picture.
Thank you! I'm trying! The vinegar hardly made a dent in the stuff I couldn't cut. I'm going to have to squeeze between the fences and hack away or that vine is just going to to come back with a vengeance... I have a feeling it's going to take a constant effort across the entire year to get it under control.
Thank you! I'm trying! The vinegar hardly made a dent in the stuff I couldn't cut. I'm going to have to squeeze between the fences and hack away or that vine is just going to to come back with a vengeance... I have a feeling it's going to take a constant effort across the entire year to get it under control.
I think the vinagre tales a week
Thank you! I'm trying! The vinegar hardly made a dent in the stuff I couldn't cut. I'm going to have to squeeze between the fences and hack away or that vine is just going to to come back with a vengeance... I have a feeling it's going to take a constant effort across the entire year to get it under control.
I heard that boiling vinegar is a sure way to kill weeds. I used some where I had put my firepit and it worked for over a year so I would think that the stronger vinegar would make a better difference.
86 Monday, 76 today, 6-12 inches of snow-70mph blizzard for tomorrow..... Calgon, take me away.
Glad we are getting the moisture. That's the ONLY good thing about this blizzard! Our winds are already crazy here! It was such a a beautiful day to end it with a blizzard. Weather whiplash!!!

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