What did you do in the garden today?

Popping in before we loose power, internet, or both again.
HOLY CRAP on a handbag. Thunderstorms, hail, sleet, graupel, freezing rain, snow, thunder snow, blizzard. Winds hit 75mph this morning. We fed livestock at 5am in the dark, so we only had to deal with sleet.
You can only see 80 feet out since dawn.....expecting 8-12 inches of the HEAVY stuff. BLEH. But moisture is moisture.
Have a good one all.
Trees delivered 25 seedling persimmon trees. Wildlife and some human use. 75 cents each in bundles of 25 plus shipping. Now to find a good enough weather day to plant. I will graft named cultivars onto them eventually. I have some to graft that were planted in previous years. Experience has taught me not to graft the year planted.
Popping in before we loose power, internet, or both again.
HOLY CRAP on a handbag. Thunderstorms, hail, sleet, graupel, freezing rain, snow, thunder snow, blizzard. Winds hit 75mph this morning. We fed livestock at 5am in the dark, so we only had to deal with sleet.
You can only see 80 feet out since dawn.....expecting 8-12 inches of the HEAVY stuff. BLEH. But moisture is moisture.
Have a good one all.
😱 Stay safe, and the rest of your household too! I’m praying for you! 🙏
Some pics. First is my tree shipment, second is seedling tame plum and 3 is wild plum.
My leafy greens have mostly sprouted, as have the majority of the basil seeds and the lemon balm. 🎉 It looks like I got a couple Dark Opal seedlings, but other than that I have no idea what basil plants are coming up. Hopefully it will be more obvious when they’re bigger!

I’m also slightly amazed at how fast the cat grass is growing. It was barely poking through the soil a few days ago and it’s already a couple inches tall! Hopefully it will be able to keep up with the cat!
I got my tomato seeds planted along with the flower seeds. I also took advantage of very light winds this morning and did the first spraying of the peach tree. I also took a little time to move some of the branches collected on Saturday and tossed them behind the big chicken yard. I’m going to save and stack a pile of small logs for my fire pit. My daffodils are starting to come up and I noticed the buds are forming on my peach tree, fingers crossed they are slow to bloom. We still have mid 20 degree temperatures ahead of us.

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