What did you do with your flock today?

Flock is terrific today. Good fun to spy on them ♡.

Sons got it all under control 👍
I'm going back to focusing on kitties. I have 2 more flying out on the 20th.
I got the new partition up in the kitty coop condo. So today, I can put littles in and intro with the bigger. They should really enjoy that ♡
It’s been a long time since I have been on here. So far this year has been crazy busy! Expanding flocks, adding flocks, of course breeding season, etc. We experienced a tornado that went right through our property, luckily on the side of our property where our animals were not and everyone and everything important is still in good shape.

Anyway, with breeding season coming to an end, I can breath a little.

I sold some hatching eggs from my Light Brahma chickens and they kiddo took them to a fair for 4H and the rooster took 1st and the hen took 3rd. I also sold some of my Call and Black East Indie ducks to a different group of kids. The black East Indies took first and the White Calls took 2nd and the snowys took 3rd. I was extremely excited about this for the kiddos! We know a guy that runs a show at a county fair that we are taking some (10) of our birds to. We are currently getting ready for that. Taking a pair of Australian Spotted, a pair of BEI, a white hen, a pair of snowys, a pastel hen, and 2 grey hens. I know the Australian spotted isn’t recognized but they are just so pretty and I’m heading there anyway, I figured I would just go ahead and put them in 😊. I’m excited to do this and take the kids. I want them to learn as this will be their first year in 4H. We always missed the deadline but I have already made arrangements and good to go.
It’s been a long time since I have been on here. So far this year has been crazy busy! Expanding flocks, adding flocks, of course breeding season, etc. We experienced a tornado that went right through our property, luckily on the side of our property where our animals were not and everyone and everything important is still in good shape.

Anyway, with breeding season coming to an end, I can breath a little.

I sold some hatching eggs from my Light Brahma chickens and they kiddo took them to a fair for 4H and the rooster took 1st and the hen took 3rd. I also sold some of my Call and Black East Indie ducks to a different group of kids. The black East Indies took first and the White Calls took 2nd and the snowys took 3rd. I was extremely excited about this for the kiddos! We know a guy that runs a show at a county fair that we are taking some (10) of our birds to. We are currently getting ready for that. Taking a pair of Australian Spotted, a pair of BEI, a white hen, a pair of snowys, a pastel hen, and 2 grey hens. I know the Australian spotted isn’t recognized but they are just so pretty and I’m heading there anyway, I figured I would just go ahead and put them in 😊. I’m excited to do this and take the kids. I want them to learn as this will be their first year in 4H. We always missed the deadline but I have already made arrangements and good to go.
Welcome back.
Wow! Things have been eventful. Sounds like you’re breeding some nice stock that's doing well in the show pen. I don't think I've ever seen an Australian Spotted?
I really fancy having a go at poultry showing (I've only shown dogs and horses previously) but I wouldn't know where to start and my boys and girls wouldn't do well. Ferdy is almost blind in one eye now, Stanley is too nervous and his blue colouration has such a heavy red leakage that he looks khaki or dun in some lights. Pru and Clara are from show stock and are pretty much up to standard but moulted into uneven mottling the last two moults. Gladys is a perfect example of a Shetland but they're not a recognised breed either. She's classed as a landrace and I've not seen classes for them.
To someone who's only experienced wind speeds of 91 miles ph, your tornado sounds terrifying 😨. Glad you all got through it safely.
Welcome back.
Wow! Things have been eventful. Sounds like you’re breeding some nice stock that's doing well in the show pen. I don't think I've ever seen an Australian Spotted?
I really fancy having a go at poultry showing (I've only shown dogs and horses previously) but I wouldn't know where to start and my boys and girls wouldn't do well. Ferdy is almost blind in one eye now, Stanley is too nervous and his blue colouration has such a heavy red leakage that he looks khaki or dun in some lights. Pru and Clara are from show stock and are pretty much up to standard but moulted into uneven mottling the last two moults. Gladys is a perfect example of a Shetland but they're not a recognised breed either. She's classed as a landrace and I've not seen classes for them.
To someone who's only experienced wind speeds of 91 miles ph, your tornado sounds terrifying 😨. Glad you all got through it safely.
Thank you! It has been really eventful! We also add a horse 🫣. She is an Arabian and just an excellent mover! We are thinking to show her. She was shown as, I believe a yearling, and did great. She is by herself, but she has been by herself for a long time. But she has goat friends not too far so she isn’t completely lonely. We are hoping to add a milking cow soon and then they will both be friends. Our horse can’t have a lot of grass so the cow would actually serve for several purposes but one would be to help keep the grass down. The goats are horned or we would just use them.

I’m honestly not 100% sure what I’m doing either. I’m blessed though to have some people who can help me out. But I’m still SO nervous about going 😂.

The Australian Spotted is a breed that is on the critical list. And I ended up with 5 drakes and 2 hens 😂. Go figure. But I’m planning on keeping the drakes and just having a drake pen. I may let one or 2 go….but I’m for sure not in a hurry. I will attach a picture of the 2 I’m taking with me.


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Thank you! It has been really eventful! We also add a horse 🫣. She is an Arabian and just an excellent mover! We are thinking to show her. She was shown as, I believe a yearling, and did great. She is by herself, but she has been by herself for a long time. But she has goat friends not too far so she isn’t completely lonely. We are hoping to add a milking cow soon and then they will both be friends. Our horse can’t have a lot of grass so the cow would actually serve for several purposes but one would be to help keep the grass down. The goats are horned or we would just use them.

I’m honestly not 100% sure what I’m doing either. I’m blessed though to have some people who can help me out. But I’m still SO nervous about going 😂.

The Australian Spotted is a breed that is on the critical list. And I ended up with 5 drakes and 2 hens 😂. Go figure. But I’m planning on keeping the drakes and just having a drake pen. I may let one or 2 go….but I’m for sure not in a hurry. I will attach a picture of the 2 I’m taking with me.
How gorgeous! I love the look of the Australian Spotted. They look like they've been gently coated in spray paint 😁
Your mare is soo pretty. I absolutely love Arabians. She looks to be a classic type without that extreme 'teacup' muzzle that is so fashionable now?
I used to show a deep mahogany bay colt in my late teens. Gorgeous boy. He was 'stallion' enough to turn on the sparkle in the ring but an absolute gentleman out of it. He qualified for Olympia, a big show over here. He was sold onto a non-showing home, sadly, as I think he would have gone far. The owners knew the family well and most importantly, knew he'd have a happy life with them.
I've also shown Welsh ponies and cobs and once, a Hackney horse. That was an absolute disaster! I couldn't keep up with her, got tangled in the lead rein and tripped over. We came last 🤣

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