What did you do with your flock today?

Hi gang, I am so behind on everyone's happenings. So sorry, just can't keep up and have now gotten out of the habit of checking in. šŸ«¤

I'm still up to my eyeballs in cats. Trapped last Thursday and Saturday. Did a little extra volunteer work driving cats and at the bus. 2 more fosters bring me up to 16. And I not have 12 feeding stations on top of my Thursday morning feeds.
Good news is in the battle of sticktight fleas I have all my girls and boy clean and ready to head up Koke'e. I took my first 5 up on Sunday eve and they are currently locked up in the coop waiting for the rest of the flock and me.

It was hot today down here... šŸ„µ did not help that I was doing a deep clean because family will be here in a few days from Oahu and my house smells like cat... and cat things.

Going to pyrethrin my soil and black plastic solarize it. Hopefully with chooks on hiatus for 2-3 months, that will do the trick.
Hi gang, I am so behind on everyone's happenings. So sorry, just can't keep up and have now gotten out of the habit of checking in. šŸ«¤

I'm still up to my eyeballs in cats. Trapped last Thursday and Saturday. Did a little extra volunteer work driving cats and at the bus. 2 more fosters bring me up to 16. And I not have 12 feeding stations on top of my Thursday morning feeds.
Good news is in the battle of sticktight fleas I have all my girls and boy clean and ready to head up Koke'e. I took my first 5 up on Sunday eve and they are currently locked up in the coop waiting for the rest of the flock and me.View attachment 3873413View attachment 3873412
It was hot today down here... šŸ„µ did not help that I was doing a deep clean because family will be here in a few days from Oahu and my house smells like cat... and cat things.

Going to pyrethrin my soil and black plastic solarize it. Hopefully with chooks on hiatus for 2-3 months, that will do the trick.
Well I think if I was fostering 16 cats and also doing all the other stuff Iā€™d be too busy too! Holy moly ā¤ļø Those are some lucky kitties!

Those chickens are gonna be thrilled with the cooler mountain temps and lack of stick tight fleas too!! Isnā€™t just the worst trying to get a handle on the bugs? I finally got my coccidiosis and mites handled, thanks to the miserable dry heat haha. I wish I had a Kokeā€™e to escape to with my chickens! Although it would take weeks to haul them all šŸ˜†šŸ˜†

Itā€™s good to hear from you!! ā¤ļø
Today I found Bianca dead in the nest box. She was chronically ill and she died in her sleep.

And Eris is lethargic. Doesn't want to eat, not even treats. She just hides her head in her feathers and sleeps. She responds to her name and kinda walks around but...

I don't know, should I worry that she's sick or is she grieving? My mother saw her sitting next to Bianca's body.
So sad to hear of your loss, and Eris' condition. Condolences, hugs, and hope Eris will return to her normal self.
Hi gang, I am so behind on everyone's happenings. So sorry, just can't keep up and have now gotten out of the habit of checking in. šŸ«¤

I'm still up to my eyeballs in cats. Trapped last Thursday and Saturday. Did a little extra volunteer work driving cats and at the bus. 2 more fosters bring me up to 16. And I not have 12 feeding stations on top of my Thursday morning feeds.
Good news is in the battle of sticktight fleas I have all my girls and boy clean and ready to head up Koke'e. I took my first 5 up on Sunday eve and they are currently locked up in the coop waiting for the rest of the flock and me.View attachment 3873413View attachment 3873412
It was hot today down here... šŸ„µ did not help that I was doing a deep clean because family will be here in a few days from Oahu and my house smells like cat... and cat things.

Going to pyrethrin my soil and black plastic solarize it. Hopefully with chooks on hiatus for 2-3 months, that will do the trick.
Koke'e is also a lot cooler for all. So glad you are winning the war. Parasites are the worst to get rid of. So many kitties! A friend of mine adopted a cat from Kona. similar to how yours are flown out.
@MaeM I am so sorry for your loss :hugs There is no easy way around your feelings of loss. May your other chickens help ease your pain, that and time ā™”. I am really, really glad you brought your momma chicken to the hawk vet šŸ‘ good call.

@PopoMyers I think it wise to get those little rascals into good habits. I've had a few roost in a tree due to personalities or space issues. I get them down with a hose if I have to. I know it is warmer here, but usually just a few squirts gets them moving. Just a bad habit that leads to other bad habits.
Thanks! Will attempt tomorrow. It's after midnight now.
Yes, Iā€™ve totally been where you are. I had a really bad winter my second winter owning chickens and lost two of my most favorite birds while two or three others were super sick. I sobbed on and off for weeks over it all and almost quit having chickens because the pain was so all-consuming. Itā€™s not easy for people to always understand this type of response to the loss or illness of a chicken (or any pet sometimes) but we are who we are and some of us bond very tightly to our animals regardless of type. That connection is real and deserves to be honored thru grieving and support. Iā€™m so sorry Eris is unwell and the hawk vet is likely right, that the stress of losing Bianca triggered an illness due to a lowered immune response. My birds always get sick after some type of stress, heat, rain, new chickensā€¦she needs vitamins, extra protein, antibiotics and lots of love. Hugs to you, I hope things ease up soon for you.
Very well said!
As one of those people who connects and commits totally to the animals in their care, I understand just how great the grief from losing them can be. Don't let anyone ever tell you "it's just an animal" or feel ashamed for grieving so deeply. Hell, I grieved longer and harder for some pets than I have some people!
I pulled up my squash plants, brought them into the chicken run, and sliced open the vines to extract the vine borers. Even the chicks were enjoying the treats!
I'm so, so glad I don't have to deal with those. I grow an awful lot of squash. The rosemary beetles infesting my rosemary and lavender hedges is bad enough!
At least your flock benefitted.
So sad to hear of your loss, and Eris' condition. Condolences, hugs, and hope Eris will return to her normal self.

Oh thanks but I'm losing hope with Eris. She's fluffed up and barely eating. She's lost 2 kg.

In spite of the treatment, she's walking weirdly, making weird noises with throat, and this is her poop. She hasn't emptied her crop since I fed her with a syringe.

Her digestive system seems to be shutting down.

Hi gang, I am so behind on everyone's happenings. So sorry, just can't keep up and have now gotten out of the habit of checking in. šŸ«¤

I'm still up to my eyeballs in cats. Trapped last Thursday and Saturday. Did a little extra volunteer work driving cats and at the bus. 2 more fosters bring me up to 16. And I not have 12 feeding stations on top of my Thursday morning feeds.
Good news is in the battle of sticktight fleas I have all my girls and boy clean and ready to head up Koke'e. I took my first 5 up on Sunday eve and they are currently locked up in the coop waiting for the rest of the flock and me.View attachment 3873413View attachment 3873412
It was hot today down here... šŸ„µ did not help that I was doing a deep clean because family will be here in a few days from Oahu and my house smells like cat... and cat things.

Going to pyrethrin my soil and black plastic solarize it. Hopefully with chooks on hiatus for 2-3 months, that will do the trick.
Wow! You are a whirlwind! No wonder you don't have time to be on here but lucky, lucky kitties to have you caring for them ā¤ļø. Really hope the flea treatment works, those stcktight fleas sound truly awful. Please promise you'll drop in now and again though, we miss you šŸ˜”

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