What did you do with your flock today?

We made the usual run of the coops and gather a few more eggs than normal. Pullets are getting older and laying more and larger eggs finally. Another 6-8 weeks we should be getting our first blue eggs from the CCLB's. 2 roos and 8 pullets running together so we should be able to expand that flock a little. They are very skidish but are getting the hang of taking bread from Ma's hand finally. The 5 Sapphire Gems are the most docile and are around 8 weeks now so another 4 months give or take some before we see those big brown eggs from them.
We are battling mites and end of summer ailments right now šŸ˜– Spent a lot of time deep cleaning coops and dousing them in mite killersā€¦dousing all the birdsā€¦checking them for other issues.

Ariana Sushi appears to be battling cancer and Iā€™m certain we will lose him soon :-( His foot has a giant tumor on it that has tons of necrotic tissue I had to clean and disinfect, and heā€™s now inside in chicken ICU. We also have had several birds show signs of canker, so I am treating them for that as well. I always hate the end of summer as it seems all the stressors from the miserable summer heat come to a head. I know that I will end up with a hardier flock when I lose the ones that are sensitive to stress but it hurts my heart just the same. :-(

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