What did you do with your flock today?

Yeah, think I'd put my money on the bully or the wise ol' gal. Please keep us posted.

How'd you lose your roo ☹️ , not going to get a new one?
Oh...I hope the old timer gal takes the leader job, the bully is a big hen and she causes a quite a stress to the flock, only the old gal that told her off.

My rooster was sick with confirm illness - the vet was just guessing and he did not responded to the medication. I had him euthanized. It was hard and I regretted my decision since.
I can not get another rooster because I live in an area rooster is not allowed.

Definitely update on new leader of my flock.
I wonder how long it takes the leader to emerge?
I am paying close attention, so far it is disharmony in the flock.
I started with 6, 5 hens and a rooster. I had all Barred Rocks. I rehomed my roo due to severe aggression, and lost several hens due to running away and attacks. I still have 1 of my original hens left. I have a variety of breeds now and I have 11 outside and the 2 chicks inside.
I started with 4 hens. Two Shetland pullets and two ex-battery commercial hens. I still have one of the Shetlands, Gladys. She will be 6 in March and still lays almost daily from February to October. My other 4 chickens are all bantam Cochin - a breed I had no desire to ever own.
That is great that one girl will take the leader job.

I am living in a council area where Rooster is not allowed so I am not intentionally get a rooster, but if I get new chickens and the rooster is an accident, I will do my best to keep him.

I started my 1st flock of chickens with an accidental rooster. Now without a rooster I find my flock to be disharmony and I miss seeing a rooster in the flock, there is something magical about rooster and his relationship with the flock. I remember he jumped right in the middle of the 2 hens fighting each other.

For now, I am not getting any more new chickens until I have 1 left which is not for many years to come.

I do hope a girl merge to take the leader job like your flock.
Fortunately, there's no real rules against keeping roos where I live, just the usual ones about causing a nuisance and excessive noise.
In fact, since my boys came along, there are now 3 other roos within a few minutes walk!
I know what you mean about a rooster with his flock being magical. I think I'd find it very hard to be without a boy in my flock now.
I'm sure one of your girls will take charge of your flock.
Oh...I hope the old timer gal takes the leader job, the bully is a big hen and she causes a quite a stress to the flock, only the old gal that told her off.

My rooster was sick with confirm illness - the vet was just guessing and he did not responded to the medication. I had him euthanized. It was hard and I regretted my decision since.
I can not get another rooster because I live in an area rooster is not allowed.

Definitely update on new leader of my flock.
I wonder how long it takes the leader to emerge?
I am paying close attention, so far it is disharmony in the flock.
Your poor roo!
My first roo, Sylv, died of rat poisoning and the vet I saw didn't know how to treat him.
Your poor roo!
My first roo, Sylv, died of rat poisoning and the vet I saw didn't know how to treat him.
I am sorry about your roo. They could flush poison out?
I found that some of the Vets I took my sick chickens to were guessing and I was paying for their guesses. I got Avian Vet took ultrasound of my sick girl, told me she had load of internal eggs in her tummy, kinder to let her go and I did. Took her home open her up and there was no internal laying egg. I paid big buck for that specialist Vet opinion and ultrasound and took home a dead chicken.
Fortunately, there's no real rules against keeping roos where I live, just the usual ones about causing a nuisance and excessive noise.
In fact, since my boys came along, there are now 3 other roos within a few minutes walk!
I know what you mean about a rooster with his flock being magical. I think I'd find it very hard to be without a boy in my flock now.
I'm sure one of your girls will take charge of your flock.
It feels good to hear other roosters around, I think they also talk to each other.
I hope so,I am watching them to see who is the leader, so far I have yet seen her. She might be very subtle as I had a hen who was a leader and she was very subtle and almost invisible about it until I noticed she eats first, and everyone else followed her. She was a gentle kind leader.
I started with 4 hens. Two Shetland pullets and two ex-battery commercial hens. I still have one of the Shetlands, Gladys. She will be 6 in March and still lays almost daily from February to October. My other 4 chickens are all bantam Cochin - a breed I had no desire to ever own.
If you don't mind me asking, why you don't want to have bantam Cochin?
Is bantam Cochin similar or the same with Pekin bantam chicken? They look almost identical.
I have 2 Pekin bantam chickens and they make soft quiet lovely sound and lay around 4 eggs a week.
Today I will DE my pullet, she pecks at her feather a lot so must be lice/mites. Getting my chicken runs prepare for more rain next week, I threw in lots of mango tree trimming, by the time the rain arrives, those would have turned into mulch already, give the ground some support and less mud I hope.
The chicken work is never done. :)
I love it when I dig, my chickens dig with me, when I sweep the leaf, they also scratch the leaf with me. Chicken is so beautiful.
Thank goodness for BYC and the folks who give great advice. I have learned so many things from this site.

No chickens yet but a little bit closer. All fence posts are in. Just gotta replace the gate post. Also, added another gate.
This is the best view i have of the shade frame thingy. Dont think i shared it yet. All bracing is off.

All else is well, just plugging along.

I started with 2 chicks which quickly multiplied to 20 on average - much to my husbands horror. Think the most personal chickens i had was around 30 + ... it was a bit too much for my smallish space. Lots of free ranging and roost discussions.
I hatched hundreds of chicks because if the pandemic. Right now i have 15 total with 1 roo. Nice sized. Love having a rooster, hope to always have a rooster. Right now Beetle is not holding his own with the feral cockerel and roo up Koke'e. I can't wait to bring him down. Hopefully just after the new year. I miss my chickens! ♡♡♡♡

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